
2019年01月25日 无忧小雅哥

最近雅思写作Task 2的考题





比如上周六的这道A类Task 2考题

问的是关于newspaper 和media 的问题









2019.1.19 ielts A Task 2

Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn news. However, others believe that they can learn news more effectively through other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some individuals opine that newspapers are the greatest source of news, while others think that they can get news more effectively from other sources of media. I agree with the latter view as other technological sources have several benefits which surpass those of newspapers.

Newspapers provide a comprehensive collection of events of diverse topics. In other words, newspapers give extremely detailed information on multiple significant events ranging from international news to leisure. It is very easy for readers to flip through the pages and find the articles relevant to them in just one place. For instance, a person interested in a variety of topics such as sports, business and international affairs can simply skim through these page-wise without the hassle of searching through the news on other media.

However, other sources of media are more impactful and give the audience a lot of options in terms of delivery of the news. For example, news channels include video footage, live interviews and live updates – all of which are not possible with newspapers. Moreover, people have the option of following their topics of interest live, directly through e-news which is a great way of staying up-to-date on current affairs around the clock. With newspapers, people only get the updated news the next day so it makes news delivery slower than other technological sources.

In conclusion, although some people believe that newspapers are the best medium to access news, I agree with the other viewpoint that news can be learnt and accessed more effectively via other sources of media such as e-news and TV.


  • Surpass

Vt. 超越,胜过,优于

e.g.: He had surpassed all our expectations.

  • Range from

从…到…变动; 从…到…范围

e.g.: These range from music and ringtones to videos and e-books.

  • Flip through


e.g.: The program let me flip through artists, albums and playlists with simple finger swipes.

  • Without the hassle of


e.g.: You can run it stand-alone without a Web server, without the hassle of installing onto a Web server.

  • Impactful

Adj. 有效的,有影响力的

e.g.: Even more impactful is how the Cloud allows us to expand our business opportunities.

  • Medium

Adj. 中间的,中等的;n. 方法,媒体,媒介

e.g.: The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples.




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