
2015年01月20日 生活在美国

No. 30 Genentech 的诞生

罗伯特•斯万森(Robert A. Swanson,图片左边塑像)是1969年毕业于麻省理工大学的研究生,同时也是生物科技巨头:Genentech 公司的创始人之一。公司创立于1976年,当时只有29岁的他却引领了生物技术革命。

Genentech is born

Robert A. Swanson, whose likeness is captured (pictured, left) in this sculpture, a 1969 MIT graduate, cofounded biotech giant Genentech Inc. in 1976 at age 29 and helped launch the biotech revolution.

No. 29 石油精炼

太阳能、风能和生物燃料,是未来的清洁能源,但石油仍然是现在最主要的能源。在1930年就开始研究如何精炼石油,并创造了现代石油工业体系的正是来自麻省理工大学的教授们。这些先驱者包括:H.C. Weber, Herman P. Meissner 以及麻省理工化学工程系教授Hoyt C. Hottel.

Well Refined

Solar, windmills, and biofuels might be the future, but oil is still the present. It was MIT professors in the 1930s who led the way in figuring out how to efficiently separate, or “crack,” that soupy mess into molecules and essentially create the modern-day oil industry. The pioneers included H.C. Weber, Herman P. Meissner, and longtime MIT chemical engineering professorHoyt C. Hottel, pictured.

No. 28 iWalk

在十几岁的时候因为登山遇到暴风雪而失去双腿的麻省理工大学教授休•赫尔(Hugh Herr)花了5年的时间开发了世界上最先进的假肢脚:iWalk。iWalk的整体设计更加接近真实的脚部功能,让人们使用的时候更加轻松。


As a teenager, MIT professor Hugh Herr was caught in a blizzard while climbing Mount Washington. He lost both legs below the knee to frostbite. His Cambridge start-up, iWalk, has spent the last five years developing the world’s most advanced prosthetic foot. iWalk’s PowerFoot BiOM device requires less effort to walk on than a traditional prosthetic, by storing energy as you walk and releasing it at the right point in your stride. The first devices were shipped to Walter Reed Army Medical Center earlier this year, and a wide release is planned for 2012.

No. 27 机器狗

这个机器狗的视频是麻省理工大学最受欢迎的视频,在Youtube上有超过1千1百万的浏览。这只机械狗由马克•雷伯特(Marc Raibert)设计。他在1980年创立了麻省理工腿部实验室。实验室的目的是为了帮助机器人模仿人类的行走。

Big Dog

The star of what may be MIT’s most popular YouTube video is a four-legged, gas-guzzling robot intended to serve as a pack animal for the military. More than 11 million people have watched BigDog climb a wooded hill, shuffle through deep snow, slip on ice, and deftly recover when knocked over. (It uses global positioning system coordinates to navigate.) Designed by Marc Raibert, who in 1980 founded MIT’s Leg Lab to help robots mimic human walking, and his team at Boston Dynamics, BigDog holds the record for distance traveled by a legged vehicle: nearly 13 miles. The project is funded by the Department of Defense, which recently gave Raibert’s company a grant to develop Cheetah, a robot that could run faster than 20 miles per hour.

No. 26 惠普

威廉•瑞丁顿•休利特(William Reddington Hewlett),图左,是惠普公司的创始人之一。他在1936年从麻省理工大学大学获得了工程学硕士学位。


William Reddington Hewlett, pictured, left, the cofounder ofHewlett-Packard Development Co., earned his master’s in engineering from MIT in 1936.

No. 25 行政分部

Alfred P. Sloan Jr是通用汽车的首席执总裁。1930年他来到麻省理工大学希望母校能帮助他培养高级行政管理人员。因此麻省理工大学设计了实验性课程,并邀请了一小群来自不同公司的人们接受培训。如今这个实验性课程即MIT Sloan Fellows Program,为全球培养着具有领导才能的人才。

Executive branch

Alfred P. Sloan Jr., the chief executive of General Motors Co., had a problem. He saw many promising would-be executives in his company but didn’t know how to train them. So in the early 1930s, he came to MIT, his alma mater, and asked for help. MIT accepted the challenge and devised an experiment in executive education, inviting a small group of fellows from various companies to spend an intensive year of business and leadership training on campus. Now called the MIT Sloan Fellows Program in Innovation and Global Leadership, it has been copied elsewhere and many of its most famous graduates are on this list for their achievements in business.

No. 24 巴斯德灭菌牛奶

William Thompson Sedgwick (1855-1921)是一位在麻省理工大学执教超过30年的教授,并帮助建立了美国卫生工程职业化道路和美国第一所公共健康学院。这所学院就是如今的哈佛公共健康学院。此外他更是巴氏杀菌牛奶和添加氯对饮用水消毒的倡导者。

Got (pasteurized) milk?

William Thompson Sedgwick (1855-1921) is considered the “architect of public health and sanitary engineering in America.” A professor at MIT for more than 30 years, he helped establish sanitary engineering as a profession in the United States by helping to launch the nation’s first public-health school, a Harvard-MIT effort that is now the Harvard School of Public Health. He was an early advocate of the need to pasteurize milk and to add chlorine to drinking water to kill bacteria.

No. 23 研究癌症

生物学家Robert Weinberg是麻省理工生物研究所Whitehead在1982年的创始人之一。他证明人类的膀胱癌与老鼠身上的癌症都是通过同样的基因遗传过程所导致的。他同样发现了第一个阻止癌症触发的基因,并总结了癌症的六个特点,有效的建立了被世界科研学者所认同的癌症定义。

Understanding cancer

Scientists long believed there was a link between human cancer and genes, but biologist Robert Weinberg, who in 1982 cofounded the Whitehead Institute at MIT, proved it by showing that bladder cancer in people was caused by the same genetic process as a genetically triggered cancer in rats. He also discovered the first gene known to turn off cancer, and he outlined the six hallmarks of all cancers, effectively establishing a common definition that could be shared by scientists across the world.

No. 22 研究艾滋病

David Baltimore 在1975年发现了逆转录并获得了诺贝尔奖。逆转录是某些特定病毒的致病过程,比如:艾滋病病毒劫持人体细胞。他的发现颠覆了分子生物学的研究,并为20年后第一个能够控制艾滋病的药物问世奠定了坚实的基础,将艾滋病从绝症变为了可以被控制的疾病。

Understanding AIDS

David Baltimore received a Nobel Prize in 1975 for his discovery of reverse transcription. That’s the process that certain viruses – notably the one that causes AIDS – use to hijack people’s cells. His discovery upended the central dogma of molecular biology and laid the groundwork for the first drugs 20 years later that transformed AIDS from a death sentence to a manageable disease.

No. 21 有人要汤吗?

The Joseph A. Campbell是一间制作罐装水果、蔬菜和汤的公司。直到1897年拥有麻省理工大学本科学位、哥廷根大学博士学位的John T. Dorrance进入公司。他发现汤的水越少味道越浓,于是制作了浓汤罐头并取得了巨大成功。公司因此改名为:Campbell Soup Co.

Soup, anyone?

The Joseph A. Campbell Preserve Co. of Camden, N.J., had been canning fruits, vegetables, and soups long before John T. Dorrance came along in 1897. But Dorrance, armed with a bachelor’s from MIT and a doctorate from University of Gottingen in Germany, found that using less water in the soup gave it a more concentrated flavor. The customer would then simply open the can, pour the contents into a saucepan, add water, and heat it up. The idea was so successful that the business changed its name to Campbell Soup Co.




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