绘本阅读 A Little Princess Story: I don't Want to Wash My Hands

2015年09月03日 CPH美国留学天津

睿德说:孩子的成长并不是一个空泛的概念,它其实非常具体,具体到每一个生活细节。今天我们即将阅读的这本书是来自于Tony Ross的小公主故事系列,该系列图书故事贴近日常生活发生的大小事。今天的这个故事I don't Want to Wash My Hands,主旨在于引导孩子们培养勤洗手的良好习惯。



1. Why did everyone tell the little princess to wash hands?

2. How many time did the little princess wash her hands?

3. Do you think whether the Maid washed her hands or not? Why?

下面是一首Wash Your Hands的歌曲,爸爸妈妈们可以和孩子一边洗手一边唱歌哦!


Wash, wash, wash your hands
Play our handy game.
Rub and scrub, and scrub and rub.
Germs go down the drain.

Wash, wash, wash your hands
Play our handy game.
Rub and scrub, and scrub and rub.
Dirt goes down the drain.



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