
2014年02月13日 新西兰东龙留学移民


1. Party 聚会

Why sit around wallowing in self pity when you can be out having a good time. If you’re invited to a V-Day party, go. Who cares if it’s going to mostly be couples.


2. Treat Yourself 款待自己

The upside to not having a valentine is not being obliged to spend of your pay check on a gift for someone. Instead, I recommend that you:We can sometimes put so much time and energy into other people that we forget about ourselves. So why not make this Valentine’s Day all about you?


4. Have an Awesome Night In 在家过一个愉快的晚上

Why does everyone seem to think that staying in is so lame? I honestly think that rocking V-Day from he lounge room could be amazing. Order in from your favorite takeout, get a bottle of something delicious and fire up the old blu-ray player.


8. Volunteer 志愿者

Nothing will make you forget the heinous commercialism of Valentine’s Day more than doing volunteer work. You’ll quickly realize that while the rest of the Western world is wondering how big a bouquet should be, some people have bigger things to worry about, like food and shelter. Get some perspective.


10. Business as Usual 照常工作

If nothing else on this list inspires you, I recommend simply doing nothing. Stop the day from having any power over you by treating it like any other.


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