
2015年11月13日 加拿大生活馆







加了全球多一位幸运伙伴也可以赢$12000的规则.... WV全WV全球最新10/10赢大奖促销!肯定兴奋到流鼻血!市场暴增!

Crazy WorldVentures 10/10 WIN promotion! It's time to explode the market!


Promotion date: All new sales from 31/10/2015 to 1/1/2016

1)只要你本人在促销期间累积推荐了10位新的黄金或铂金会员,你就会获得额外赠送的1000奖励积分!所有从31/10开始新进的会员都能算!也就是说,如果你在促销期间自己累积推荐了10位新的铂金会员,你就得到(原有的200积分 x 10)+ 额外送的1000积分 = 3000积分! 因此,你也自动合格成为“Executive行政主任资格”!

1) If you personally sponsor 10 new gold/platinum members within the promotion period, you will win an extra 1000 rewards points on TOP of the original points that you earn. This includes all new sales from 31/10/2015! For example, if you sponsored 10 new Platinums, you will earn 200 x 10 + 1000 = 3000 points! That automatically qualifies you to be an executive!

2)什么是”Executive行政主任资格”?就是你在任何12个月期间之内累积本人积分达到3000积分以上,你就可以100%以积分来抵扣整个梦旅配套的价格!举例:新西兰12天11夜梦旅配套$1299美元/人(能抵扣500积分),原本2人同行需要付$1299 x 2=$2598(抵扣1位会员500积分之后=$2098,但是因为你是“Executive行政主任资格”,你有3000积分以上,因此你可以全额用3000积分抵扣=3000积分-$2598=还剩下412积分!相当与双人免费换取新西兰双人游配套!

2) What is "Executive" status? It means that you have earned an accumulated 3000 rewards points or more within any 365 day period, therefore you can redeem 100% of the DreamTrips cost using your rewards points! For example, a New Zealand 12days/11 nights dreamtrip that costs $1299/person(you can redeem up to 500 points) would cost a member and a guest 2 x $1299 - 500 points=$2098, but if you are an executive with 3000 points, you can redeem 100% points = 3000-$2598=balance of 412 points unused! That's as if you redeemed a dreamtrip for 2 to New Zealand for free!

3)4大区域幸运奖励:全球分成4大区域,美国,欧洲,非洲,亚洲。每个区域都会有1个幸运抽奖!如果你在促销期间累积推荐了10位黄金或铂金会员+你必须上传一张旅游时候拿着YSBH蓝旗子的照片到dreamtrips手机app软件+照片上传时必须加上井号代码#1010WIN, 你就合格进入抽奖名额!最后最多“赞”的照片主人就会是赢家!1个名字只能有一个抽奖名额!赢奖者将得到什么呢?公司会赠送你($2000美元旅游币 x 2个人 x 3次参加梦旅配套=价值$12000美元旅游币),然后你必须在12个月之内用这个奖励订购全球任何3个梦旅配套,环游世界!


3) 4 region contest: The world will be split into 4 regions, Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia. Each region will have 1 winner! If you qualified by personally sponsoring 10 new members + upload a YSBH vacation photo + tag #1010WIN, the photo with the most "likes" will be the winner! The winner of the Contest will win ($2000 usd worth of Rovia bucks x 2 people x 3 DreamTrips= $12000 usd worth of Rovia bucks to use on any 3 DreamTrips bookings made within a one year period)

Also one more lucky individual will also be selected to win the same prize and all you have to do is sponsor one new member during the promotion period, upload your photo and follow the same procedure as above, and you qualify to win the $12000 worth of prizes!!!


So do you want to travel the world for free? Do you want to go IMD? Just duplicate the steps below!


Step 1: during the promotion period, sponsor 10 new members and qualify to be executive status!


Step 2: Redeem your 3000 rewards points 100% on any DreamTrips!

第三步:复制这10位会员每个人也集中累积推荐10位新会员=100,100位复制10位=1000位,1000位复制10位=10000位!(按照15%成功率,1+10+100+1000+10000=11111 x 15%>=1500位铂金会员以上=你就是下一位新的IMD了=每月$1500美金车奖+每月$3000房奖+每年IMD双人梦旅(2016年到斐济岛!)+高达每月$150000美金封顶收入!=财富自由,时间自由,人生完全改变!

Step 3: duplicate the 10 new members to sponsor 10 more=100 members who sponsor 10 more=1000 members who sponsor 10 more=1000 members who sponsor 10 more=10000 members=11111 x 15% success rate => 1500 members or more= you are the next IMD = $1500 car bonus/Month+$3000 home bonus/month+IMD dreamtrip for 2/year+ up to $150000/month bonus cap = financial & time freedom, life will never be the same again!

***2015年12月之前,WV会推出500个新的亚洲梦旅配套,2016年开始已准备了最少3000多个亚洲配套!2016年的第1.5季梦幻之旅(welcome dreamtrips)新加入90天内的会员享受,289美元/人(老会员369美元),黄金会员抵扣150积分/铂金会员抵扣180积分!北京,澳门,长滩岛,巴厘岛……共100多条线路!Rovia客服热线中文已经是24小时服务!Dreamtrips.com梦旅网站和手机App软件逐步进入全中文语言版本!梦旅配套会遍布全亚洲,包括新马泰,印度尼西亚,印度,日韩,港澳,中国内地等等!每月推出新配套,重复提供好行程的老配套!YOU SHOULD BE HERE蓝色巨浪要来袭了!商机和趋势不等你!

***By December 2015, WorldVentures will launch 500 new Asian DreamTrips, in 2016 at least 3000 new Asian DreamTrips! New welcome DreamTrips in Asia will cost only $289 usd/person for new members less than 90 days old, $369 usd/person for old members, and gold members can redeem 150 points, platinum members can redeem 180 points.

Rovia customer service in Chinese is now 24/7! DreamTrips.com and APP are going to become 100% Chinese in-language! 1000's of DreamTrips will launch across entire Asia pacific monthly!

勇翰12月19-20日香港亚洲博览中心“2015年结尾的成功启航特别培训”会有强大讲师阵容助阵!你们一定要来!报名网址 http://de122015.eventbrite.sg 快点抢票,因为票快没了!


So opportunity will not wait for you! Ride the mothership with us now to success and go IMD! Double IMD! Triple IMD!!!


Take note, there is no such thing as personally sponsoring 10 and you become director, that is inaccurate news spread by independent websites! Do not listen to those websites! All official news should come from WorldVentures or passed down from your RMD & above team leaders!

--- 勇翰,马老师和黄爵士

--- Dennis Bay & Sir Erwin Ng


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