
2016年02月25日 美国驻华大使馆

为回应几起引人关注的执法人员对黑人的杀害,全国50多个城市的美国人开始了一场持续的抗议活动,要求改变美国警察的执法方式。作为行动号召,3名跨性别黑人网民开始了以#BlackLivesMatter# 为标志的运动,关注种族问题,并赢得了美国最高决策者的关注。这些勇敢的、大部分匿名的公民领袖是普通人成就不平凡精神的缩影。点击这里阅读有关该运动的全文(英文):http://time.com/time-person-of-the-year-2015-runner-up-black-lives-matter/

In response to several high profile killings of black people by law enforcement, Americans in over 50 cities nationwide began a sustained protest movement calling for changes to policing practices in the U.S. As a call to action, 3 transgender black netizens started the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter has focused attention on a racial issue, and has garnered the attention of the nation’s highest policymakers. These brave and largely anonymous civic leaders epitomize the spirit of ordinary people achieving extraordinary change. Read the full story of the movement here : 



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