
2016年02月19日 美国驻华大使馆

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#黑人历史月# 塔∙奈希西∙科茨(Ta-Nehisi Coates)是受欢迎的美国杂志《大西洋周刊》的一名定期撰稿人,也是美国最高产的公共学者之一。但人们最津津乐道的还是他在紧迫社会问题上所激起的全国讨论。他撰写了该杂志(http://snip.state.gov/d70)历史上最广为人知的文章之一,并且因为他最近的畅销自传“世界与我”(“Between the World and Me”)而获得了久负盛名的国家图书奖(National Book Award)。挑战你的英语语言能力、试着阅读他的许多文章之一、并更好地理解今日美国的社会问题。

Ta-Nehisi Coates is a regular contributor to the Atlantic, a popular weekly magazine in the U.S., and one of the nation’s most prolific public intellectuals. But he is best known for sparking national debate on pressing social issues. He wrote one of the most widely read articles in the history of the magazine (http://snip.state.gov/d70), and received the prestigious National Book Award for his most recent best-selling autobiography “Between the World and Me”. Challenge your English language ability, and try reading one of his many articles and gain a better understanding of social issues in the United States today.

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