
2016年06月11日 美国驻华大使馆


0614 周二 18:30  美国留学签证及行前指南

Tuesday, June 14, 18:30  Student Visas and U.S. College Life


It’s now the university acceptance season in the U.S.! Some of you may have already received offers from schools while others may be still waiting for them. To better prepare you with upcoming steps of the entire application process, the Shanghai American Center will host a Consular Officer and Shanghai’s EducationUSA Adviser to talk about applying for student visas, the visa interview process and U.S. college life. There will be time for Q&A after their presentations. 

(讲座用英文与中文进行。This event will be conducted in both English and Chinese.)


0615 周三 18:30  英语语言教师教你英语写作

Wednesday, June 15, 18:30  English Language Writing Workshop

你是正在学习英语的学生吗?还是在准备一个英语考试?你在工作中需要用英语写作吗?如果你觉得自己需要提高英语写作技巧,欢迎来上海美国中心参加由英语语言教师(English Language Fellow))Michael Giovacchini主持的英语写作研习营。这期的写作研习营将会已竞赛的形式开展,参加者有45分钟到一小时的时间来根据所给提示完成一篇英语写作。Michael Giovacchini会选择其中的佳作给出修改意见。 

Are you a student taking English courses, or preparing to take an English exam? Do you need to write in English for your advanced degree or career? Join English Language Fellow Michael Giovacchini for a writing workshop at the Shanghai American Center to learn ways to improve your writing!  This workshop is designed like a contest. During the workshop, participants will have 45 minutes to 1 hour to produce their best writing according to a prompt. English Language Fellow Giovacchini will then select the best writing pieces and give tips on how to improve. 

(讲座用英文进行。This event will be conducted in English.)


0616 周三 18:30  与艺术家对话系列:作为艺术的摄影, 作为摄影的艺术

Thursday, June 16, 18:30  Photography as Art, Art as Photography

本月上海美国中心“与艺术家对话系列”讲座的主题是作为艺术的摄影。我们将会提出这样一个问题:我们每天随手拍下的照片,和那些陈列在博物馆和画廊的照片有何不同?为探讨这个问题,艺术史学者Julie Chun将会带领大家回顾摄影作为一种艺术形式的诞生与发展,随后,本届三影堂摄影奖提名者之一的摄影师Ruya Qian将会参与讨论,通过她的专业视角,我们将会了解到摄影是如何从单纯的记录发展为一种艺术创作的概念平台。 

The focus of this month’s Artist Talk series at the Shanghai American Center is photography as an artistic genre. We will ask the question: ‘What differentiates the daily photos each of us takes from those placed in museums and galleries?’ To explore this phenomenon, Art Historian Julie Chun will talk about the emergence of photography as an artistic medium followed by a discussion with Photographer Ruya Qian, one of the nominees of this year's Three Shadows Photography Award. Through her insight, we will be able to gain an understanding of how photography can evolve from its original intent of documentation to a conceptual interplay for artistic creations. 

(讲座主要用英文进行,有少量中文。This event will be in English with limited Chinese.)


06月19日 周日 10:30  与艺术家对话系列:作为艺术的摄影, 作为摄影的艺术

为庆祝骄傲月,上海美国中心联合上海骄傲节(ShanghaiPRIDE)带来一场专题讨论,主题是LGBT群体的自我与群体意识。这个活动属于“酷儿说(Queer Talks)”系列,该系列定期举行,就LGBTQI话题进行讨论。本场讨论的嘉宾包括“爱滋徒步”活动组织者、同性恋运动会银牌得主Liu Shi、临床心理学家Olivia Chiu、和来自美国医疗中心的心理学家Nate Balfanz等。 

In celebration of Pride Month, the Shanghai American Center is pleased to host a joint panel with ShanghaiPRIDE on Physical and Mental Health in the LGBTQI community. The panel is part of Queer Talks, a regular discussion group for LGBT issues. This event will feature panelists Liu Shi of the China AIDS Walk Organizer and Gay Games Silver Medalist, Clinical Psychologist Olivia Chiu, and Psychologist Nate Balfanz, from the American Medical Centre. 

(本场讨论用中英两种语言进行,有现场翻译。This event will feature both English and Chinese interpretation and space will be extremely limited.)

上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。

地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540室







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