燃烧的远征——A keen revelation for iBT

2016年06月09日 美国研究生留学


今天魔兽上映第一天,满怀欣喜。标题用了燃烧的远征,相信活过那段青春的人都懂。而对于我们一直和托福浴血奋战的人们来说,考完托福不是我们出国的重点,而是我们满腔热血散发的起点,加油各位,和我一起继续浴血奋战!最后,借这个机会我喊一句:Lok Tar Ogar,因为我一直用Orc,在你们看这篇文章的时候我应该奋战在War3平台上怀念青春,欢迎来打我。




 until you come and sit awhile with me 

——<You Raise Me Up>



2016.6.4 托福考题解析


1.讲了一只我一直都没有记下来名字的长脖子恐龙(原谅我,捂脸……),文章刚开始的时候有一张图片,画出了恐龙的轮廓。与众不同的是图上标出了恐龙脑袋上有一个凸起,看图就能感觉出来这篇文章是一个说明型的文章,可以参照的托福文章为<TPO48 Determining Dinosaur Diet>


(1)长脖子恐龙有与众不同的消化系统。牙齿相对于mammals 来说不发达。具体我们参照<TPO48 Determining Dinosaur Diet> 对于牙齿和消化系统的描述。



2. 美国关于industrial revolution各种促进手段,包括legal和patent,并且和Europe的industrial revolution做对比,主要突出美国的高效和优势。这篇文章是一个历史型的文章,并不难理解,可以参考的托福文章为 <OG Artisans and Industrialization>, <TPO6 Powering the Industrial Revolution>, <TPO18 Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia>, <TPO26 Energy and the Industrial Revolution>, 。








Patent: intellectual property rights in the form of patents

英国法律系统(The English legal system)的成熟给专利法打造了基础。发明家可以从立法机构获得专利权,第一个获得专利的是Samuel Winslow,在1641年,专利是制造盐的方法。


3. 美国高速公路的特征及优劣势分析。



这是一篇有好坏评价的说明文,内容可以参考<TPO33 Railroads and Commercial Agriculture in Nineteenth-Century United States>,文章类型可以参考<TPO22 Spartina>, <TPO30 Role of Play in Development>





1861年-1865年,马克·吐温自密苏里州出发,沿内布达拉加州——犹他州——内华达州——加利福尼亚州展开了他的美国西部之旅。这次旅行中的见闻,后来就成了半自传体作品 《苦行记》,这本书可以说是一份了解美国特定时代社会历史状况的极为丰富的材料。



From Miami to Key West

From Carson City to LakeTahoe



1.integrated = combined


The fact that ecological communities are indeed, recognizable clusters of species led some early ecologists, particularly those living in the beginning of the twentieth century, to claim that communities are highly integrated, precisely balanced assemblages.<TPO35 What is a community?>

The Whigs were strongest in the towns,cities,and those rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy,whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming that were more isolated and languishing economically.<OG Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States>

2. sabotage = intentionally damage

3. hasten = sped up

重复2016.5.7 hasten = hurry

4. dismiss = reject



Even if those from the traditional families looked down on him, they would have been unable to dismiss him as uncultured.<TPO47 Roman Cultural Influence on Britain>

Thus, communicators need to know the nature and extent of recipients’ knowledge and belief in order to design messages that will not be dismissed or misinterpreted.<LSAT真题6>

5. nevertheless = even so


Trade, nevertheless, was probably one of many variables that led to the emergence of palace economies in Minoan Crete.<TPO41 Trade and Early State Formation>

Nevertheless, dolphins do not seem to have a real language like ours. Unlike humans, dolphins probably cannot convey very complex messages.<TPO36 Cetacean intelligence>

6. alter = change


Nineteenth-century immigration drastically altered the cultural landscape as settlers of predominantly British stock were joined by Central Europeans and Chinese, many attracted by the 1849 gold rush in California.<美国的历史>

In stride piano, the left hand plays alternating single notes and chords that move up and down the scale while the right hand plays solo melodies, accompanying rhythms, and interesting chordal passages.<Jazz>

例题:The word “alteration” in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ imperfection

○ replacement

○ change

○ duplication

7. continuous = unceasing


Guthrie has also demonstrated that the landscape must have been subject to intense and continuous winds, especially in winter.<TPO45 The Beringia Landscape>

Darwin' s original thesis, and the viewpoint supported by evolutionary gradualists, is that species change continuously but slowly and in small increments.<TPO30 The Pace of Evolutionary Change>

例题:The word “periodically” in the passage is closest in the meaning to

○ continuously

○ quickly

○ regularly

○ carefully

8. systematically = methodically


The systematic study of this art is a relatively new discipline in Australia.<TPO23 Rock Art of the Australia Aborigines>

Information on temperature, rainfall, and other aspects of the climate that can be inferred from the systematic changes in properties is usually referred to as proxy data.<TPO10 Variations in the Climate>

9. advocate = support

重复2008.6.22 2009.6.5 2009.8.30 2015.4.12 advocated=promoted


Presociological thinkers like Frederick Law Olmsted, the founder of the movement to build parks and recreation areas in cities, and Jacob Riis, an advocate of slum reform, urged the nation's leaders to invest in improving the urban environment, building parks and beaches, and making better housing available to all.<TPO36 A model of urban expansion>

10. ideally = perfectly


When considering quantities, we would ideally like to have some estimates for overall production from particular sites of pottery manufacture and for overall consumption at specific settlements.<TPO29 Characteristics of Roman Pottery>

11. flee = run away


Their migration may have been set in motion by an increase in population caused by a movement of peoples fleeing the desiccation, or drying up, of the Sahara.

例题:The word “fleeing” in the passage is closest in meaning to

○ afraid of

○ displaced by

○ running away from

○ responding to

12. parallel = happen at the same time and rate


Extensive mountain ranges were formed from compression of the crust, forming long ridges with parallel valleys spaced craters were spilt and pulled apart.<2012.8.19 Callisto and Ganymede>

Her interest in color and light paralleled the research of several artists of the period, notably the painter Seurat, famed for his Pointillist technique of creating a sense of shapes and light on canvas by applying extremely small dots of color rather than by painting lines.<OG Loie Fuller>















3. 美国历史课:关于migration。可以参考阅读<TPO20 Westward Migration>, <TPO24 Moving into Pueblos> 有两个方面:push factors和pull factors。美国在二战以后吸引了很多穷人,因为美国经济好啊。在1940s-1980s有大量的人迁移到美国北部,很少有人去Sunbelt地区(这里出了一幅图)


4. 学生和教授聊天,聊着聊着就被教授抓到他不好好参加discussion,学生说我事情太多,选了5门课(没敢往下说具体的,希望教授意会学生很忙所以不参加)。教授最后说你这样不行啊,课堂讨论占成绩的一半,你还想不想过了。学生非常聪明但让人感觉很突兀的说他的term paper要选topic,基本套路都出来了,题目很简单听完直接做就好。


6. 艺术史,介绍苏格兰的早期雕刻艺术,雕塑中有线条雕刻,意味着这个雕刻是私人所有,并且说到了雕刻的发源地,并且是世代传承的,象征着权利。进一步来说提到了古罗马艺术对苏格兰艺术的影响。罗马曾经占领了苏格兰,所以对苏格兰的艺术也有一定的影响。



1.Describe one or two changes in your life five years from now on. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.


The biggest change in my life five years from now would be my responsibility. As a freshman in University, I have tons of assignments to finish everyday, exams to take every month, all my responsibilities are related with getting a good score and a great study result. I don't have to worry about any other things in life, like the pressure from work. But as time goes by, in five years, I will have to face the fact of having a full range of responsibility at work, I even can see myself learning in a position, communicating with my colleagues and finding better solutions of each task I'm taking. My whole life focus would shift from one extreme to the other, that leads to different pressure in life.


Actually, I’m going to move to another city to work. Because I was not satisfied with the management of my last employer, once during dinner a friend of mine mentioned an opportunity at the company he serves. The job appeals to me quite much and the chance to experience life in another city is quite exciting too. It’s in the southern part of my country, this new job, where the climate is milder and more humid than where I stay now and the food there is also very good, so I’m really looking forward to living there and I guess I’ll stay there for a few years.



As far as I'm conceded, an employer should only spot check their employees during the day. Employers should have enough faith in the their employees to know that they are getting the job done correctly. In the order for this to be successful, both employer and employee need to be sufficiently trained and properly motivated in the their work. Employers who constantly check on, or micromanage their staff breed distrust along with a low sense of self esteem and loyalty. Micro managers are often unskilled managers and not confident with their abilities as managers. Thus, they tend to be hyper vigilant with their teams. Employers who trust their staff do not have to oversee them as much, which leads to greater trust and an overall increase in productivity.


I think it’s better to give some freedom to the employees and check their work on a regular base, but not too frequently, because the checking process is actually a kind waste of time: I mean, the checking process itself does not create value, taking the time that could be spent on productive work, especially when there’re seldom mistakes found. Also, some freedom will make the employees feel more respected and trusted, so they’ll be more willing to contribute to the work. But I do agree that regular check is necessary to ensure all the things are going towards the expected direction, just not too frequent.

3.教授给学生发邮件让他们每个人想两个问题发给他,可以让他们更认真的阅读材料,准备课堂讨论,还能更好的找到term paper的话题。男生同意,因为一般大家在讨论前都不怎么准备,在课堂上浪费很多时间,而且通过阅读可以知道自己喜欢哪方面的话题,更好的提前准备term paper。


The professor requires students to send him two questions before the discussion and the man thinks it’s a good idea. Firstly, he says this does help students to better prepare for the discussion by reading more in advance and to avoid wasting time during the class. Secondly, he agrees that this will make it easy for students to decide on the topic for the term paper, because this push them to explore more through reading.



The professor uses a bird as an example to explain physical different between young and adult. The bird is white in adult form, so it’s hard to spot when catching fish. But the same species is black till it’s born several months. That’s because sometimes adult birds fight each other, so the black protects the juvenile birds from such attack. So this is how physical different works.

5.男生暑期得到了一份工作,所以打算在学校旁边租房,而且在和女生说话的时候故意透露了自己很喜欢做饭的事情,但房东说厨房是不能用的。于是男生觉得自己可以去朋友租的房里做饭,但感觉很weird and inconvenient,而如果每天出去吃又太贵想省钱。女生说你好厉害,虽然很遗憾不能做饭但可以在学校cafeteria吃,有套餐噢,男生说,这的确是一个好拌饭,但是学校的学校cafeteria太远了。(然后果然你们就只能结束对话了)


The man faces a problem that the kitchen of the apartment he rent for the summer cannot be used. He has two solutions: one is to go to his friend’s apartment to cook and the other is to eat at the school cafeteria. I recommend him to cook at his friend’s place because they can eat together and share the expense, and maybe they can take turns to do the cooking, making things easier. The school cafeteria is too far, so going there to eat is really not a good idea.

6.两种记忆,declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge,例如一辆自行车,了解自行车的形态和部件,属于declarative knowledge,而知道自行车如何运作,属于procedural knowledge。如果不分清楚这两种记忆的话会导致错误的决定。比如足球队需要教练,往往会从踢球很厉害很成功的球员中进行选拔,然而会踢球和会当教练是两回事,有些时候好球员当不了好教练(怎么踢得下来我上)这就是两种knowledge的区别。


According to the lecture, human’s memory are divided into two types. The first is declarative knowledge, like the face of somebody you remember, so you can reproduce it by describing it in words or drawing a picture. The second is procedural knowledge, means what you remember can be applied when the same situation happens, in other words, you repeat the procedure when appropriate. Take the football player and the coach as an example. A good player often has brilliant procedural knowledge about how to deal with the ball in various situations on the field but to be a good coach, procedural knowledge about playing football is also important, but it’s not that important or it’s not enough because a coach has to have the declarative knowledge in order to convey his strategy and tactics to the players.






1. 进空气给建筑工人呼吸,工人在里面很难呼吸,而且工人会在work space里面用lights,用fires来light,特别消耗空气;

2. 四个孔对着代表上帝的星星,不同的星星对应着或者是代表着specific gods;

3. 作为一个passage way让国王的灵魂(spirit)转世(enter afterlife)。


1. 下面两个chamber根本没通到外面,shafts离外墙还有几米的距离,空气进不来。

2. shafts对应星星的理论是在建完金字塔才形成的(later time),而工人们建的时候是(earlier time)。

3. 灵魂本身是可以穿墙的,没有必要存在通道。


The most important thing that government can do to improve health care is to clean the environment.

【以下来自美联乐闻托福写作男神,白宜玄 Ben Nevis老师对DuDu老师的评价】

这道题目支持显然好写很多,只需要说明环境对于人们的身体健康有哪些好处就可以了。不过作者反其道而行,而且还说的头头是道,可以说是一种境界。而整个文章中比较出众莫过于举例。作者从最开始的孟德斯鸠和杰佛逊引出政府,后来又指出腹泻,糖尿病,甚至是近视等和环境保护无关的但是又很常见的疾病。甚至在一些和主题并没有直接关系的地方,作者也能顺手给出细节,让语言变得“可视化”,比如“reusing the prickle jars and plastic bags”,“the walking path enveloped by eucalyptus trees”。这些例子让文章变得非常生动,也能够很好的说服读者。

另外因为这些(平时积累的)素材,作者的词汇量显得极大,这是值得模仿的做法。在积累素材的同时,很多的表达方法也会被积累起来,这是一件一举两得的事情。最后作者的语言驾驭显得非常自然,比如在书面语中点缀着一些口语化的表达( “isn’t it?),再比如对于比喻的运用 “bulldoze”. 总之,这是一篇well-written essay, 也是一篇better-to-learn的essay.



1. 只要你不是第一次考,在考场上时都应该学会利用考场规则,而不是被考场规则束缚。


3. 超常发挥=本身能力-考试期望

4. 心乱,做不了模考,看不进书,就关上电脑和书本,用铅笔和A4纸写作文,然后再输入到word文档里。

5. 不要期望考试技巧能雪中送炭,能用上技巧秒杀的题目不超过10%;但考试技巧绝对是锦上添花,特别是只剩下30s就要进入下一个科目,而你还剩下3道题没做完的时候。

6. 是的,第五条是硬广告,欢迎你来参加美联乐闻的托福暑期课程,早点报名,因为很快就会没你的位置了。







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