
2016年06月08日 美国驻华大使馆

Tim Wilson



本周主打景点:阿波斯特尔群岛国家湖滨区(Apostle Islands National Shoreline)。






#Traveling Around the U.S. – Site of the Week: Apostle Islands National Shoreline

The rocky shores of the Apostles Islands off the coast of Wisconsin offer a view like no other. Located on the largest fresh water lake in the world, they’ve been shaped over countless years into a unique design of cliff faces. The islands are covered with lush ever green forests. You can explore some of these islands by taking out a ferry, or taking out a boat of your own if you’re feeling adventurous. In the winter, the lake freezes over, allowing visitors to walk out onto the lake to explore some of the sea caves on the cliffs of the islands and the shore. What do you think you’ll discover?

Find out more at http://www.nps.gov/apis/index.htm

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