
2016年06月07日 美国驻华大使馆

#2016逛美国# -本周主打州:威斯康星州。

一年一度有一周时间,美国威斯康星州奥什科什(Oshkosh)的威特曼地区机场(Wittman Regional Airport)会成为全球最繁忙的机场。

每年7月,来自全球60多个国家的50多万航空爱好者降临位于威斯康星州中部的这座城镇,参加一场国际性的航空盛会——实验飞机协会(Experimental Aircraft Association,简称EAA)“空中探险”航展(AirVenture)。

实验飞机协会航展(EAA AirVenture)号称“全球最大的航空盛会”。在展会上可以了解到最新的飞行器和航空创新,有近1000个研讨会和讲习班供人选择,还可以结识其他航空爱好者。此外,展会还为参加者提供教育和娱乐节目,从每天的飞行表演和航空露天影院,到特技飞行和放烟火,名目繁多。空中探险航展也是全世界少有的可以看到包括作战飞机、自制飞机以及超轻型飞机在内的几乎所有类型飞行器的盛会之一。

实验飞机协会的首次航空展始于1953年9月,最初只是密尔沃基航空展(Milwaukee Air Pageant)的一部分。后来随着规模扩大,展会转到伊利诺伊州的罗克福德(Rockford),最后落户在威斯康星州的奥什科什。





Photo Courtesy of TravelWisconsin.com

For one week every year Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, becomes the busiest airport in the world.

Each July, more than 500,000 aviation enthusiasts representing more than 60 countries descend on the central Wisconsin town to attend the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) AirVenture, an international convention on all things aviation.

Dubbed “the World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration,” EAA AirVenture enables guests to study the latest aircraft and aviation innovation, attend any of nearly 1,000 forums and workshops and network with other aviators. EAA AirVenture provides both education and entertainment, from daily air shows and fly-in theater to aerobatics and pyrotechnics. It is also one of the only places to see nearly every kind of aircraft in the world, including warbirds, homebuilts and ultralights.

EAA AirVenture began as part of the Milwaukee Air Pageant in September 1953. The convention has hopped from Milwaukee to Rockford, Illinois, and finally to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to accommodate its growth.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2012/06/201206288298.html#ixzz3vs3NA9Tf

Find out more about Wisconsin at DiscoverAmerica.com

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