【上海美国中心 X 上海骄傲节】6月19日:酷儿说:遇见自己

2016年06月10日 美国驻华大使馆

报名: http://www.wanshe.cn/orders/view/13766

为庆祝骄傲月,上海美国中心联合上海骄傲节(ShanghaiPRIDE)带来一场专题讨论,主题是LGBT群体的自我与群体意识。这个活动属于“酷儿说(Queer Talks)”系列,该系列定期举行,就LGBTQI话题进行讨论。本场讨论的嘉宾包括“爱滋徒步”活动组织者、同性恋运动会银牌得主Liu Shi、临床心理学家Olivia Chiu、和来自美国医疗中心的心理学家Nate Balfanz等。 

In celebration of Pride Month, the Shanghai American Center is pleased to host a joint panel with ShanghaiPRIDE on self and community awareness in the LGBT community.   The panel is part of Queer Talks, a regular discussion group for LGBT issues.  This event will feature panelists Liu Shi of the China AIDS Walk Organizer and Gay Games Silver Medalist, Clinical Psychologist Olivia Chiu, and Psychologist Nate Balfanz, from the American Medical Centre.


This event will feature both English and Chinese interpretation and space will be extremely limited. Please bring your photo ID to enter the Shanghai American Center.

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