
2016年06月10日 美国驻华大使馆

 (照片提供:杰伊·奥尔森  - 古德)

#2016逛美国#  旅游提示。无论你在访问使徒群岛或沿大河路行驶,威斯康星都能提供丰富的水上乐趣。精明的旅行者应该明智地选择露营地址。检查地形,并寻找因为下雨而可能存在的麻烦。可能有洪水或变得非常泥泞的地区可能会带来问题。


Whether you’re visiting Apostle Islands or driving along  the Great River Road, Wisconsin offers many opportunities for fun on the  water. Savvy travelers should be smart about where they pick a camp  site.  Check the contour of the land and look for potential trouble due  to rain. Areas that could flood or become extremely muddy can pose a problem.

Photo Courtesy of Jay Olson-Goude

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