
2016年06月07日 美国驻华大使馆






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#StateEducationInAmerica# - Most people know that the software giant Microsoft is in Washington state but not many know that Microsoft was founded as “Micro-Soft” on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Located between Texas and Arizona, New Mexico is one of the fastest growing states in the United States with a technology-based economy. It is an arid desert state famous for its red shades and striking large rock formations. The snow-capped Rocky Mountains, six national forests, and the Rio Grande river are iconic features of New Mexico.

New Mexico is a culturally diverse state with native Americans, Hispanic, and Anglo Americans. International students will feel welcome. The state has 24 public higher education institutions, including research universities, comprehensive colleges and universities, branch community colleges, and independent community colleges. Two special schools serve the deaf community and the blind and visually impaired community. In New Mexico, it is possible to specialize in mining and technology, art and design, forensic science, or tourism, or to major in business administration, education, or engineering. New Mexico is also a desirable destination for international graduate students because of the quality of its research universities.

Learn more about public higher education institutions in New Mexico here:


For any questions about studying in the United States, please contact EducationUSA at www.educationusachina.com or download their free mobile APP.

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