
2016年10月26日 美国留学中心



I have a 4.0 at a Top 15 university in CS. I applied to all these internships but got flat out rejected by so many already. I do indeed put in a lot of effort into getting good grades, as i thought it would please the companies, but at the expense of more practical experience like a lot of side projects. Do companies just not care about GPA above a certain point, say 3.5 ? Should I quit pursuing a perfect GPA and concentrate more on side projects ? ”



“I thought that you go to school to get good jobs, and that if you do great at great schools then you should get a chance at atleast some good internships, but if companies like Bloomberg just care about how talented I am or how many apps I have made, then what is the point of doing well in college ? If I put in the same amount of time as I put in school into side projects, then I would do great right ? I mean, Ill always have the same intelligence, and that i can't change, so doing well in school doesnt really  matter to companies right ??”



Igor Markov
EECS Prof at Michigan,currently at Google

“Think about it - working for a company does not usually require attending lectures every week and passing carefully-prepared exams with known answers. Exams are just a way to evaluate what you learned, they don't give a full picture of your knowledge, and they are different from job interviews.

“Most students attend school to learn, develop various skills, gain a broader perspective, and enrich their talents. It is common to develop interests beyond required coursework (but based on what they learned), and this often helps finding a job. Internships can be very valuable - they give experience.”


Dana H.Shultz
Lawyer for startups in or coming to the U.S

另辟蹊径式建议:Could your problem be a lack of people skills?

“When I was your age, I was (as I see things now) appalingly unaware of and insensitive to the feelings of others and their views of the world. (Not uncommon for CS and other STEM majors.)
For many years, I was oblivious to this issue. A marketing consultant told me, "People buy on emotion and justify with logic." It took me a long time to believe, then appreciate, the truth of that statement.”



Tracy Narvaez-Jensen
software engineer with degrees in CS、psychology and education

鉴于现在获得简历的方式主要是通过简历,如果你投递了却没被邀请面试那很可能是你在职业描述的时候没有准确反映你的技能或者营销失败,对此我建议你阅读Cracking the Coding Interview这本书。


Joshua Engel
振聋发聩式点醒:It’s *because* you got a 4.0!

“After that, grades are just trivia. Nobody in the real world cares. You didn't tell me *anything* else about yourself in the question details. You just threw a bunch of meaningless numbers out.”

A 4.0 might get a momentary "huh" that would induce a recruiter to pay slightly more attention to your resume and cover letter. Your resume probably sucks, since you just got out of college and don't have any work experience, but your cover letter does the real job. What excites you about programming? What are you interested in? What makes you interested in this company? Did you even bother researching this company? Do you even know why you want to work for them, or are they just a meal ticket? Do you care about them? Why should they care about you?”

If the grade is the most interesting thing in your application, then it's not a very interesting application. It's not really your fault that college didn't teach you anything that actually matters; colleges never do, and college students are generally too immature and self-involved to learn it if they did teach it. The real lesson that they should be trying to teach is that the grade is a pointless bit of accounting. What you need is genuine enthusaism for the subject, and the ability to convey that you're good for something other than the kind of scut-work that goes into getting grades. ”






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