
2016年10月26日 英国大使馆文化教育处



本周开始的由英国文化教育协会最新制作的免费英语公开课:English in Early Childhood: Language Learning and Development


What age range do you think each of these descriptions is referring to?


Recites some number names in sequence.
Can play in a group.
Experiments with blocks, colours and marks.
Copies familiar expressions, e.g. Oh dear! All gone!
Runs safely on whole foot.
Listens with interest to the noises adults make when they read stories.
Is aware that some actions can hurt or harm others.
Responds to simple instructions, e.g. Put your toys away.
Uses a pencil and holds it effectively.
Can catch a large ball.
Extends vocabulary by grouping, naming, and exploring the sounds of new words.
Is interested in others’ play and is starting to join in.
Writes own name and other things such as labels or captions.
Notices what adults do, imitating what is observed and then doing it spontaneously when the adult is not there.

对照一下来自英国Early Years Foundation Stage framework的有关幼儿和少年不同阶段语言的特点如下,供爸妈们和从事教育开发者参考。

16-26 months

Copies familiar expressions, e.g. Oh dear! All gone!

Explores and experiments using senses and whole body.

22-36 months

Listens with interest to the noises adults make when they read stories.

Is interested in others’ play and is starting to join in.

Runs safely on whole foot.

Is aware that some actions can hurt or harm others.

Repeats words or phrases from familiar stories.

Recites some number names in sequence.

Experiments with blocks, colours and marks.

30-50 months

Responds to simple instructions, e.g. Put your toys away.

Can catch a large ball.

Notices what adults do, imitating what is observed and then doing it spontaneously when the adult is not there.

Can play in a group.

Holds books the correct way up and turns pages.

40-60+ months

Uses a pencil and holds it effectively.

Extends vocabulary by grouping, naming, and exploring the sounds of new words.

Writes own name and other things such as labels or captions.

Constructs with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources. 

上面这些更多的是共性,每个孩子都有他自己的个性,重要的是 children develop at their own rates and in their own ways 每个孩子的学习模式多多少少都会有所不同,家长老师们可以参考上面的共性,结合游戏、歌曲和孩子喜欢的主题,多重复、多让孩子浸润在英语环境、积极引导孩子的学习。专家们总结出一些儿童学习共通的窍门,那就是多听、多接触、多重复、多采用声音和互动并用的方式,而且不需要把每个词翻译成孩子的母语,孩子在最自然的方式下学习,经过时间的累积,成果会慢慢显现出来。

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