
2016年10月26日 看英国


这次的主角之一Rika Wenjing来自武汉,是一个24岁的会计研究生。她兼职做代购已经两年了。一开始,Rika的亲戚们让她从澳洲带婴儿奶粉、身体乳和一些本地牌子的东西,后来她决定开始走上代购之路。


She is glued to her phone and tablet, using the messaging app WeChat to build a network of 300 clients who aren't afraid to pay premium prices for trustworthy Australian goods.


In Australia, it's estimated there are 40,000 daigou, which means "on behalf of" in Mandarin.The online shopping agents are almost exclusively from mainland China, and are young migrants or international students looking for flexible ways to help cover their rent and university fees.



Daigou came to prominence in Europe by shipping luxury goods such as Gucci handbags to China. In Australia, the trade revolves around everyday items including food, beauty products, wine and clothes.


Benjamin Sun是Think的创始人之一,他的公司主要做一些数字化营销的工作。在他看来,代购就是与顾客建立信任的关系。

来自大连的Bob Sun在麦考瑞大学攻读会计学,他租了一个仓库和其他三名中国朋友一起扩张他们的生意。他们已经寄出了数以千计的包裹。

"The income from daigou is reasonable compared to other working opportunities like working in a restaurant and that sort of thing. The profit is really enough to cover your rent. It is easy to do that," the 24-year-old student told the BBC.

"The biggest reason for me to do daigou is to not work in some company or to work in a restaurant. It is flexible."


"We think daigou are good for both the local economy… and they are very good for our business," says Peter Nathan, chief executive of A2 Milk, a New Zealand baby formula manufacturer that also operates in Australia.

"We clearly believe they are a positive force and it's fair to say that it is something we are assessing."

新西兰婴儿奶粉制造商A2 Milk的CEO Peter Nathan认为,代购不仅对当地经济有利,还对他们的生意有帮助。代购是一股“正能量”,这正是他们所认为的。


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