
2017年06月20日 无忧小雅哥


Q: In some countries, many people rent a home, while others prefer buying one. Do you think the advantages of renting a home outweigh the disadvantages?

Different people have distinct preferences of accommodation; some favouring leasing a home and some preferring purchasing a house. Rental homes involve various benefits as well as limitations and I believe that the former supersede the latter.   

Firstly, renting allows one to minimise costs as one does not need to make an exorbitant investment as in the case of buying. As a result, renters can enjoy lower cost of living as they only need to pay a specific amount, the rent, on a monthly basis. Secondly, a leased property provides with ease of management and reduction of hassle to the tenants. Most problems and maintenance issues in a rental house are the landlord’s responsibility. For example, in Melbourne, most rental properties are managed by agents who represent both the tenants as well as the landlord and in case of any upkeep issues, such as non-functional water heater or electrical plugs, the agent would contact the landlord directly to get such issues fixed.

However, a major disadvantage of renting a property is that the tenants lack freedom. Renters are bound by the lease agreement and the landlords’ demands which means that they do not have the flexibility of customising the house as they would if it was their own home. Moreover, the tenancy agreement may have several conditions on the occupants of the house. For example, the agreement might have a no pet policy due to which any tenant of the rented property would not be able to keep a pet on the premises as this would be a violation of the agreement.

In conclusion, renting a home has a multitude of advantages including cost savings and managerial ease as well as disadvantages, such as lack of flexibility for the tenants. However, in my opinion, the gains of leasing one’s accommodation overshadow the drawbacks.

[Key Vocabulary]


adj. 明显的,独特的,截然不同的

e.g.: Looking at a close-up of the temperature spike (尖峰), we see distinct throughs (波谷) right next to the spike.


Vt. (新的想法、产品) 取代,代替

e.g.: In the future, robots will supersede human beings for every heavy work.

exorbitant investment

exorbitant: adj. (价格) 过高的,(性格等)过分的


on a monthly basis


同理,还有on a weekly basis, on a quarterly basis 等等~

ease of management:

ease: n. 轻松,舒适;V. 减轻,缓和

ease of management: 便于管理,易管理性

reduction of hassle:

hassle: n. 困难,麻烦,争吵


upkeep issues:

upkeep: n. 维修,保养

e.g.: It is incumbent for the owners to find funds for the upkeep of estate and house.

lack freedom:

lack这个词我们要好好来说一说啦~ 小雅哥发现有不少烤鸭都容易用错~

lack: V. 缺乏,不足;n. 缺乏,不足. ‘lack’ 可以直接做动词用哦~

e.g.: Tackling the crisis head-on requires energy and luck, and many here lack both.

还有大家非常熟悉的词组lack of:

e.g.: She put his failure to lack of experience.

be bound by:


e.g.: You are legally bound to report the accident.



V. 依照顾客的具体要求而制造。

e.g.: Users can completely customise their computer desktop, changing, for example, its colour and look.

on the premises:

premise: n. 前提,经营场所,房屋

on the premise: 前提下,在此前提下

on the premises: 在屋内/楼内/建筑物内

a multitude of:

multitude: n. 群众,多数

a multitude of: 大批的,众多的

e.g.: There are a multitude of online and offline classes and groups that teach programming. 


adj. 管理的,经理的,经营的

e.g.: All the managerial personnel at the factory are hired on contract.


Vt. 使失色,遮阴,使相形见绌

e.g.: It should not let these worries overshadow or interrupt other vital health programs.






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