
2017年06月30日 墨尔本生活资讯


对于家长的此类行为,维州教育厅长马连劳(James Merlino)发声制止,敦促家长停止以欺骗方式安排孩子入学。

《先驱太阳报》26日报道,以南亚拉小学(South Yarra Primary School)为例,由于部分家长可能通过伪造住址或租住学区房的方式让孩子成功入读这所学校,该校新招收的学生人数已超过容纳能力。

该校委员会主席比斯屈(Jason Le Busque)指出,优异的NAPLAN(全国读写与算数统考)成绩让该校成为家长们为孩子挑选学校的首选目标。而这就促使一些并不住在这片学区的家长,通过在学区内租房的方式,让他们的孩子有资格入读这所学校。



据悉,南亚拉小学校长帕里卡(Neven Paleka)正与维州教育厅就不断增加的招生问题进行磋商,以找到解决这一问题的更好办法。据维州教育厅发言人蒙罗(Alex Munro)表示,教育厅早在今年初就为该校建造了一栋3层移动教学楼,而且还在墨尔本内城南部地区建造了两所小学,满足当地人口需求。

South Yarra Primary School parents call for new classrooms, tougher school zone restrictions

UPDATE: Education Minister James Merlino has hit out at parents who are faking their way into popular school zones to enrol their children.

South Yarra Primary School parents say the school is bursting at the seams, with some families faking where they live and renting properties in the zone.

The parents say the number of new enrolments almost exceeds the school’s capacity to cope, and are worried that class sizes will blow out.

Mr Merlino urged parents stop lying their way into popular areas.

“This isn’t great for the parents, it’s not great for the children,” the Deputy Premier told 3AW.

“Parents should work by the rules and if you are designated in a school zone you are entitled to go to that school.

“Local kids deserve to go to their local school and they should have the first opportunity to do so.”

South Yarra Primary School council president Jason Le Busque said South Yarra Primary’s high National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) test results made it a popular choice for parents.

This meant some families who lived outside the school zone would rent properties in the zone just so that their child was eligible to enrol.

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“We do have some evidence that there has been some families who have rented one bedroom flats and they’re a family of three kids and two adults. They’re certainly not living there,” he said.

School council parents are pushing for the zone to be made smaller as a result, and they want the Department of Education to commit to capital works that would see new classrooms built.

They also want families to sign a statutory declaration stating that they intend to live in the zone for the duration of their child’s enrolment, and will notify the school if they move out.

Parent Emily Keon-Cohen said new modular classrooms opened at the school earlier this year were already at capacity, and there were plans to use the library and multipurpose room as classrooms next year.

“We may be the only school in the state without a library and a multipurpose room,” she said.

The Leader understands that South Yarra Primary School Principal Neven Paleka is working with the Department of Education to address rising enrolments, but the paper was unable to speak with him.

Education Department spokesman Alex Munro said the department installed a three-storey relocatable classroom at the school earlier this year.

The Government was also building two new primary schools in Melbourne’s inner-south to meet the community’s needs, and information provided by the department said South Yarra Primary’s zone was currently under review.

“South Yarra Primary School’s enrolment pressure is regularly discussed with the school,” Mr Munro said.

Real Estate Institute of Victoria data released mid-last year revealed the median house price for homes within the South Yarra Primary School zone was $244,500 higher than those outside it.



2017年AEAS学员基础最好的同学Andy,满载着各位老师的期待和祝愿结束4月28日的AEAS考试。10年级的他,词汇和语法基础都不错,由于词汇记忆超前,考试应该对他尤为有力。教师Annie,xiao ying协力四项听说读写,冲刺两周集训。听说读写词汇四项拿下70分,祝贺Andy。


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