
2017年06月28日 美国驻华大使馆

“我非常高兴来到这里...我想说,我被特朗普总统选中赴中华人民共和国代表美利坚合众国,为此我感到无比荣幸与自豪...你们都知道这个关系是世界上最重要的双边关系。我要尽全力加强两国之间的协作与合作,着手解决一些重大挑战,如来自北朝鲜的威胁,并改善我们两国的经济机会及减少贸易赤字……我想去每一个省,真正地与这个伟大国家的人民见面,让他们知道我们是他们的朋友,我们想和中国人民共同努力创造一个更美好的世界。” —— 2017年6月27日布兰斯塔德大使在抵达美国驻北京大使馆后发表讲话 。

“I am excited to be here… I want to say how honored and proud I am to be selected by President Trump to represent the United States of America here in the Peoples’ Republic of China…You all know that this relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world.  And I want to do everything that I can to try to increase the collaboration and cooperation between our two countries, to address some of the big challenges like the threat from North Korea and also to improve economic opportunities in both of our countries and to reduce the trade deficit…I want to go to every province and really meet the people of this great country, and let them know that we are their friends, and we want to work with the people of China for a better world.” – Ambassador Branstad remarks upon arrival at the US Embassy Beijing, June 27, 2017.

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