
2017年06月27日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)

(AP Photo)

#美国动漫# – 皮克斯工作室。过去二十年来,大多数美国动画电影中,计算机动画已取代了传统的手绘动画。位于加利福尼亚州埃默里维尔(Emeryville)的美国电脑动画工作室“皮克斯”,是动画演进的先驱。该公司创始于1979年,原为卢卡斯电影部门旗下的图形集团( Graphics Group)。1986年由苹果创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)资助成为了独立公司,以生产动画短片(简要3-5分钟漫画)为主,后来在1995年制作了第一部电脑动画长片电影“玩具总动员”。 2006年,迪士尼以74亿美元买下了皮克斯,此后制作了十七部正片和许多短片。截至2016年10月,皮克斯的影片在全球创下了约108亿美元的票房,平均每部电影约6.34亿美元。你最喜欢的皮克斯动画影片是什么?要了解更多关于皮克斯动画工作室及其影片的信息,请访问他们的网站:


#AmericanAnimation&Comics –  Pixar Studios 

Computer animation has replaced traditional hand-drawn animation in most American animated films over the last two decades.  Pixar is an American computer animation studio located in Emeryville, California, that has been a pioneer in this evolution in animation. The company began in 1979 as the Graphics Group, part of the Lucas film computer division, before its spin-out as a separate corporation in 1986, with funding by Apple-founder Steve Jobs.  The company began producing computer animated short films (brief 3-5 minute cartoons), and in 1995 produced Toy Story, the first-ever computer-animated feature-length film.   In 2006 Disney purchased Pixar at a value of $7.4 billion. Pixar has produced seventeen feature films and many short films. As of October 2016, Pixar’s feature films have earned approximately $10.8 billion at the box office worldwide, with an average worldwide gross of $634 million per film. What is your favorite Pixar animated feature? To learn more about Pixar Animation Studios and their films, visit their website here: 


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