英风学院十一月WFD 高频题目汇总

2017年11月15日 Enflares

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1.     A party is held in the small meeting room.

2.     A person’s education level is closely related to his economic background.

3.     A very basic feature of computing is counting and calculating.

4.     Agenda items should be submitted by the end of the day.

5.     All writers consciously or unconsciously represent their own cultures.

6.     Americans have technically found the growth in quantitative terms.

7.     Animals raised in captivity behave differently from their wild counterparts

8.     Animals raised in captivity behave differently from their wild counterparts

9.     Article numbers are collected through interesting experiments.

10.  Artists, other than politicians, played their own role as critics of culture.

11.  Assignments should be submitted in the department before deadline.

12.  Avoid confusing the causes and effects by the changes.

13.  Before completing the exercise, you need to read the remaining chapters.

14.  Before submitting your assignment, your advisor must approve your application.

15.  Behind the garage is a secret storage room.

16.  Career opportunities in this field are quite limited.

17.  Competition for the places in course is fierce.

18.  Conferences ought to be scheduled two weeks in advance.

19.  Consumer confidence has a direct impact on sales

20.  Early streams of economic in Roman Republic will be examined.

21.  Neurons are principally involved in chemical processes.

22.  Packaging is very important to attract intentioned buyers.

23.  Please note that the college laboratory will be closed for cleaning next week.

24.  Students have the option to live in college residencies or apartments.

25.  Successful applicants will work with a large team of researchers.

26.  Synopsis contains the most important information.

27.  The campus tour will help you to get familiar with the teaching facilities.

28.  The decision was made with the support of several faculty members.

29.  The evaluation form will be reviewed by university personnel.

30.  The excursion for children is very much open to debate.

31.  The extent of advertising for children is open to much debate

32.  The final year will consist of four tort courses and one project.

33.  They have struggled since last year to make their services paid.

34.  Those students seeking/apply for formal extension should talk to their faculties for more information.

35.  Travelling by boat on the river is not possible in winter

36.  Tribes worked with each other to build monolithic statues.

37.  Undergraduate students may participate in specific stages within the program.

38.  When bad drove out good, the local workers were more difficult than their competitors

39.  You are required to complete your research paper by next Monday

40.  You are required to submit your assignment by Friday.




由Tony 老师、Caro老师带队执教的综合精讲保过平时班,给您带来全新的学习体验,各科老师,耐心负责;学习方案,科学搭配。课上课下,全程跟进。备考复习,全程服务!老师助教,全力配合!全面提升你PTE考试中的综合能力,用最短的时间,最高效的方法赢得最理想的分数!




由Tony 老师、关关老师带队执教的金牌实力周末65分保过综合班,给您带来全新的学习体验,各科老师,耐心负责;学习方案,科学搭配。课上课下,全程跟进。备考复习,全程服务!老师助教,全力配合!全面提升你PTE考试中的综合能力,让4个65不再可望而不可即!








“PTE口语 语音、语调、发音;连读、弱读、失去爆破;拖音、断句、意群不分;RS、DI 无章可循;还有RL真让人语无伦次”怎么办? 英风学院口语特训培训师关关老师帮你办!




“PTE考试和写作相关的SWT如何总结?Essay 20分钟怎么写完?SST 听完怎么总结?”这些统统没概念,怎么办?




PTE 阅读RO无从下手,阅读FIB 举棋不定,写作中的SWT 读不懂,怎么办?英风学院四个90满分大神Winnie老师帮你办!

Enflares 阅读真题,真题阅读,满分大神带你把握真题动向,掌握解题方法,帮您突破阅读瓶颈!







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