
2017年11月20日 加拿大留学堂




  中国驻多伦多总领馆再次郑重提醒广大华侨华人和中国留学生注意防范电信诈骗。“中国国际刑警驻渥太华联络处”为虚构机构,国际刑警组织中国国家中心局亦未在渥太华设立所谓的“联络处”。驻加使领馆亦从未直接处理过包裹被扣等具体个案。旅居海外中国公民如在中国涉案,相关法律文书会由我驻外外交机构通过正规渠道专递,使领馆不会通过电话核实信息,尤其是银行账户信息。如不慎上当受骗,请即向当地警方报案。如不慎透露信息,可向加拿大反诈骗中心(Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre)报案,要求其保护财产安全。



      近日,低陆地区加拿大皇家骑警向华人社区发出警告称,加拿大出现了一种针对中国新移民的绑架诈骗,谎称其亲人被绑架,企图向家属勒索钱财。皇家骑警女发言人Annie Linteau警官表示,警方在10月份的第一周就接到三宗类似报警,且警方自七月份就已经意识到这类骗局,并成立一个专案组来调查这种犯罪活动。皇家骑警在七月份接到六宗这种双管齐下的诈骗(two pronged scam)报警,随后警方发布了第一份警告。




  (RCMP warn about falsified kidnappings targeting Chinese nationals)

  Lower Mainland RCMP are renewing their warning about a scam that targets newly arrived Chinese immigrants trying to convince them a loved one has been kidnapped in order to extort money from their families.

  RCMP spokeswoman Staff Sgt. Annie Linteau said police have had three new cases reported to them in the first week of October, the first since police became aware of the scam in July and since forming a task force to investigate the activity.

  The RCMP issued their first warning in July after six incidents were reported to police about the two-pronged scam.

  Chinese students in Canada received messages, from people falsely claiming to be Chinese government officials, that their personal information had been compromised and they were implicated in crimes in China.

  Then the students’ families in China were then contacted and told that their relatives were being held against their will and that they would have to pay a ransom.

  “The RCMP would like to remind the Chinese community that these automated calls are fraudulent,” Linteau said. “Anyone who receives similar calls should not comply with any demands and hang up immediately.”

  And Chinese nationals would never be informed of any pending legal action against them by telephone message, according to a notice from the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China.

  “Should any Chinese citizens be involved in any legal cases in China, the relevant legal documents will be mailed to them directly from Chinese diplomatic missions,” according to a statement in the RCMP news release,” especially personal banking information.”

  Linteau said anyone receiving a similar cal should immediately report the incident to local police.

  [email protected]



  New B.C. RCMP group to investigate kidnapping scam targeting Chinese nationals




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