
2017年11月24日 Enflares

121.    Teaching assistant

122.    It is absolutely 

123.    The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.

124.    They have been struggling since last year to make their service pay. (我写成services pay了,妈蛋)

125.    While reconciliation is desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed.

126.    Graduates from this course typically find careers in the financial department. (动词忘记是find还是pursue了)

127.    Clebrated thoery...

128.    Sociology department..

129.    Free campus tours run daily during summer for the prospective students.

130. The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide(注意world-wide中间是没有横杠的)

131. Those who are seeking for formal extension should contact their faculty for further information(也可能是more information)

132. 另一道没听清:Members...can contribute to...

133. The sociology department

134. Mutually exclusive

135. Climate change

136. The deadline for assignment is next Wednesday 

137. When launching a product, research and marketing are very vital.

138. Our professor is hosting the business development conference

139. Aerial photographs were promptly registered for further evaluation.

140. The celebrity theory is still a source

141. mutually exclusive那个中间有个词仍旧没听清

142. climate change is an acceptable...reputable scientists那个

143. it is vital that you acknowledge all your sources那个

144. Those seeking for formal extension should contact their faculty for information 考过两次比较确定

145. This paper challenged many previously accepted theories

146. The other book is … and more …

147. When workers ask higher wages, companies often raise prices.

148. The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.

149. Listening is the key skill needing to succeed in this course.

150. we can’t consider increase in price at this stage.

151. The aerial photograph was promptly registered for xx( not federal) evaluation.

152. The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.

153. We cannot consider (increasing)the price at this stage.

154. The peer group’s pressures have significant effect on young people.

155. While the reconciliation is desirable, (the) basically underlying issues must first be addressed.

156. Sociology  regard worldwide

157. Aerial photograph

158. Consumer confidence sales

159. Our professor host economic development conference

160. All industries are thought of systems as inputs, processes, outputs and feedback.





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