南京金陵图书馆展览:《通向和谐之路: 美中交往史, 1784年-1979年》

2017年11月18日 美国驻华大使馆








此次展览由世界知名城市“南京周”组委会和美国驻上海总领事馆联合主办,承办方为金陵图书馆,展期历时一个月,从2017年11月21日至12月20 日。整个展览分为“初次接触”、“ 官方交流”、“知识分享”、“文化感知”、“军事合作”、“恢复邦交”等六个部分,通过120余张精美而珍贵的历史照片,展示了商人、移民、企业家、外交官、探险家和学生们等各种形象,充分诠释了两国之间复杂但却硕果累累的友谊,体现了在不同的文化思想背景下的相互尊重,这一切为两国人民的持续交流奠定了共同的基础。


《通向和谐之路: 美中交往史, 1784年-1979年》(Path toHarmony: The United State and China, 1784-1979)是一个由美国子午线国际中心(MeridianInternational Center)制作的图片展览。它精选了70幅1784年至1979年间有关美中关系的精彩图片。


TheU.S.-China relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships inthe world. Shortly after the end of the American War of Independence, themerchant ship Empress of China set sail for Canton, initiating the exchanges betweenthe two countries that have lasted over two and half centuries.


Nanjingis of special significance to the exchanges between the United States andChina.


Thisexhibition, co-hosted by Nanjing Week Organizing Committee and the U.S.Consulate General in Shanghai, will take place at Jinling Library of Nanjingfrom Nov 21-Dec 20, 2017. It consists of six sections, including “FirstEncounters”, “Official Contacts”, “Sharing Knowledge”, “Cultural Perceptions”,“Military Cooperation”, and “Renewing Ties”. It showcases about 120 fine andrare images of merchants, immigrants, entrepreneurs, diplomats, explorers, andstudents, illustrating how the friendship between both countries has beencomplex yet fruitful and highlighting mutual respect to each other, despitedifferent cultures and ideas. All these have laid the foundation for thecontinuous exchanges between the two peoples.

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