什么是名利双收?加拿大女王大学的学生赢得了 “李光耀全球商业计划”竞赛第一名, 奖金十万美金

2017年11月17日 加拿大留学邵老师





女王大学又名皇后大学 是安大略省第二古老的大学,1841年根据维多利亚女王的皇家宪章建立,原为教会赞助学校,1912年变为非教会学校。







SINGAPORE - A silicon chip which can help detect even trace amounts of melamine in milk power helped a team from Canada win the top prize of $100,000 in the Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition on Thursday (Sept 14).


女王大学一直以来都被公认为是加拿大顶尖学府之一,素为加拿大传统四大校之一 (The Old Four),另外三所则为麦吉尔大学(McGill University)、西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario),以及多伦多大学(University of Toronto)。女王的平均录取分数线多年来一直高居全国第一、二位,是全加拿大最难进的大学。

Queen's University beat five other finalists to win the top prize at an award ceremony at Fairmont Hotel.


The winning team, SpectraPlasmonics, is made up of Mr Malcolm Eade, 22, Mr Tyler Whitney, 22, Mr Ryan Picard, 23, Mr Christian Baldwin, 21, and Mr Yusuf Ahmed, 21, who was not present.

"With this award we will be able to put a lot more focus on product development," said Mr Whitney.


He added that the team plans to continue to develop the product and bring the technology to the market.


Their project involves the use of a metal-coated silicon chip to aid ultra-sensitive chemical detection. Lab samples are placed on the chip, which is implanted on a specimen slide and examined through a spectrometer. The chip is able to enhance detection signals by at least a million times, thus producing more comprehensive test results and reducing the need for complex lab tests that are both costly and time-consuming.


The chip is also able to perform detailed drug analysis in forensic labs, and was invented by researchers from the university's chemical engineering department. Team SpectraPlasmonics will be developing and selling it.

The competition's final six - which featured teams from the United States, Canada, Italy, China, Sweden and the United Kingdom - were selected from 550 submissions from over 300 universities in 68 countries.



The theme of this year's competition was "Smart City", and called for creative proposals from university, college and polytechnic students across the globe to address the challenges a smart city faces and seize opportunities for innovation.


The six grandfinalists, two from each of the categories of health, living and services, were selected from 36 finalists who were in Singapore during the competition week that started on Monday (Sept 11). As part of the final round, they took turns to present their ideas to a panel of seven judges at the Singapore Management University (SMU) School of Law on Thursday.


The judges included Professor Lui Pao Chuen, Advisor of National Research Foundation Singapore, as well as Michael Seibel, Chief Executive Officer of Y Combinator, a leading start-up incubator and accelerator in the United States.

The grand prize was sponsored by the competition's organiser, the Singapore Management University's Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.


Another finalist, Elephant Chain from Zhejiang University in China, won the Smart Services Outstanding Award, a cash prize of $25,000.

另一组参赛选手,来自中国浙江大学的“Elephant Chain” 获得了智能服务杰出奖,奖金两万五千美元

Elephant Chain is a project that builds a platform for financial transactions to make them more affordable and less prone to fraud.


The Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan Competition is supported by Wilmar International Limited, with the Smart Nation Programme Office as its Knowledge Partner.


Correction note: This story has been edited for clarity.





⑴ 高中毕业,成绩优秀,高中在读提供会考成绩,高中毕业提供高考成绩。

⑵ TOEFL纸笔考试580(TWE 5.0),机考237(写作不低于5.0),网考88(写作24,听力20,口语和阅读均不低于22);IELTS7分。

⑶ 平均成绩不低于80分。





⑴ 正规大学本科毕业

⑵ TOEFL纸笔考试600(TWE 4.5);IELTS7分

⑶ 大学成绩(GPA)3.2或平均分85分以上



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