【福利】本周六(6月23日)晚上, 悉尼时间8--9:15pm, PTE口语新题串讲免费网课等着你。附视频

2018年06月21日 海外东方学院

主讲的是满分老师Catherine 梁源, 请看以上成绩单。



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谁不想先睹为快呢?请看Catherine 制作的小视屏和解说词,更精彩的内容请在周六晚上听,




3.19以来,PTE 增加了不少新题,让大家很紧张。最佳策略当然是早点考到理想的分数,海外东方提供丰富多彩的课程,帮助大家实现这个目标。今天就给大家分析一些DI 新题。


这回新增的DI 新题里面,有不少跟原来一些比较冷门的题比较像,所以大家备考时一定要对不同题型形成不同的模板,这样考试时才能以不变应万变,不慌张。有几张图确实以前没见过的,也别慌,记住DI拿高分的几大原则:

1. 图上有字就说;

2. 用简单的话把非文字的东西说出来。


现在就给大家几个DI 的参考答案。


This maps shows the natural vegetation of India.


We can see that the categories are Alpine vegetation in purple, desert vegetation in orange, littoral or swamp in teal, montane subtropical and temperate in brown, tropical dry deciduous in yellow, tropical dry evergreen in green, tropical evergreen in green/ turquoise, tropical moist deciduous in green, tropical thorn in white.


The majority of the Indian subcontinent is in tropical dry deciduous, followed by alpine vegetation.


India is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.


In conclusion, this map is very interesting and very informative about the distribution of natural vegetation of India.


解析:这道题其实文字很多,只是单词比较难,大家备考时看见不认识DI的单词要学习一下正确的发音。考试时如果碰到不认识的,就猜一个,然后很流利的说出来。除了说categories和它们的颜色,还可以把旁边相对简单的地名,如the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean Bay of Bengal



This map shows Azerbaijan and its neighbours.


It may be found on the map of Asia. Azerbaijan is in orange and the other countries are in yellow.


To the right, Baku is marked with a star and on the coast of Caspian Sea.


To the top, there are Russia and Georgia.


To the left, there are Armenia and Nakhichevan.


To the bottom, there is Iran.


In the middle, there is Nagorno-Karabakh.


In conclusion, this map is very interesting and very informative about Azerbaijan.




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