
2015年06月26日 环球雅思墨尔本分校


cordyceps holidays 虫草假



From early May to late June all schools in Yushu prefecture, Qinghai province, give a special "cordyceps vacation" so that teachers and students can join in the picking of cordyceps, a worm-like fungus regarded as a valuable herb by the Chinese.每年的5月初到6月末,青海省玉树州的所有学校会享有一个独有假期“虫草假”,就是为了让师生们去采摘冬虫夏草——一种形状像虫的菌类。冬虫夏草被国人视为一种珍贵的中药材。——来自《中国日报》


The generic name Cordyceps is derived from the Greek word kordyle, meaning "club", and the Latin stem -ceps, meaning "head".
The miraculous medicinal powers of cordyceps 冬虫夏草的神奇药效

1.reduce cholesterol 减低人体胆固醇含量

2.increase stamina 增强体质

3.improve eyesight 改善视力


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