
2014年07月23日 美国ACT考试

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1、 ACT可以拼分咩? 官网上说不可以,但common app上让写单项最高成绩,有的学校也接受拼分。。如此也就是说lz一个学校要寄两份成绩单么? 20刀啊你妹,比EST还黑啊有木有啊。。

解答:ACT接受拼分,但只有部分学校。# p

可以Superscore ACT的学校:
http://www.collegeadmissionspart ... ges-superscore-act/

2、前段收了个这个邮件:" ` f+ J. E4 G7 k( z7 x0 R
Due to significant changes in test center reporting instructions for your upcoming ACT test date, you MUST print an updated admission ticket.
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Go to and log in to your account NOW to print your admission ticket. Take the ticket with you on test day.

Your admission ticket will be available via the Web through the morning of your regularly scheduled Saturday test date.
这是个神马情况? 我照做把ticket打印后发现考场貌似被自动改了。。之前是油麻地的那个神马faith school。。现在改成在九龙的那个神马HKEAA考评局了。。可以确定账号没被盗。。因为完全木有收到换test center的邮件。。就收个这。。尼玛怎么擅自给老子换考场啊。。还是我记忆分 裂了?。。当初报的明明就是油麻地的那个呀。。

答: 我的考场也被改到新蒲岗了,估计是油麻地考位不够了,油麻地考场很小的啊

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Our records indicate that you have not completed all items in your Profile at Colleges and scholarship organizations rely on the information you provide to help them make decisions about student preparedness, admissions, and financial aid. We strongly encourage you to provide as much information as possible.
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Please log in to your ACT Web account at, select "Manage Your Profile," and complete those questions today. Your information can be included on your score reports from the upcoming test date only if you provide it before the test day./ K: H/ q2 F. o7 ^4 ]# C' |
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最大的act考试交流群】: 362066974(act群!战友的重要性,你懂得),加群时请注明备考的


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