
2015年11月23日 墨尔本生活资讯







还在纠结怎么用英文说麻将里面的万子吗?ten grand?twenty grand?喊得真跟自己是大富翁似的..

看完以后可别再说什么middle和hair了啊。更专业的说法是Red Dragon Tile(s), Green Dragon Tile(s)和Red Dragon Tile(s)。


棋牌室:Chess & Poker Room

筒子:the circletiles

索子:the bambootiles

万子:the charactertiles

番子:the honortiles

花牌:flower tiles

上:claiming atile to matcha sequence

碰:claiming atile to matcha triplet

杠:claiming atile for aquadruplet

和:claiming atile to win

抽头:the kitty

筹码:counter;chip; dib

牌友:matching play

边张:side tiles



上家:opponent onthe left

下家:opponent onthe right

对门:opponentsitting oppositeto one

三缺一:threeplayers looking forone more player


出张:discarding atile

洗牌:shuffling thetiles

连庄:remaining thedealer

一对:one pair

一番:one time (inscoring)

一圈:a round


进张:drawing auseful tile

对碰:waiting fortwo tiles towin; making two pairs

扣牌:holding up atile

听牌:waiting forthe onenecessary tile to win

暗杠:drawing atile byoneself, making four similar tiles of a kind and putting them face down

暗坎:concealing3-tiles inorder of a kind

八圈:eight roundsof play

缺一门:lacking asuit

抢杠:robbing agong

单钓:waiting forone of thepair to win

单听:awaiting theonly onenecessary tile to win

地和:going out orwinning ahand after drawing only one tile

吊牌:fishing;awaiting one’swinning tile

对对胡:winning withall pairedtiles;all triplets

自摸:winning byone’s own draw;self-drawn

拦和:be won by one’s left oropposing opponent with the same tileone needs

平和:a win withoutpoints

鸡和:chicken hand

平和:common hand

大满贯:grand slam

杠上开花:drawing atile, after agang, from the end of the wall to win the game;added gloryto a gong

七对:seven pairs

砌牌:forming thewall ofstacks

清一色:all of onesuit; flush;having all tiles in one suit


门(前)清:all concealed hand 十三幺:the thirteen orphans(1,9,and one of each character);13 terminal tiles

天和:a naturalwin; a heavenlyhand

地和:earthly hand

一条龙:a completesequence from1 to 9

混一色:mixed onesuit

小三元:junior 3chiefs

大三元:grand 3chiefs

海底捞月:catchingthe moon fromthe bottom of the sea

小四喜:junior 4happiness

大四喜:grand 4 happiness

清一色:pure onesuit

字一色:all honortiles

诈和:declaring afalse win;falsely declaringa win

做相公:beunconscious of ashortage or surplus of tiles

大/小相公:long or short hand


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