
2016年03月11日 墨尔本微生活


如果你在维多利亚州攻读大学本科课程(包括Bachelor Degree or Associate Degree,或higher VET course:Advanced Diploma or Diploma),而且你所在的大学或教育机构在如下列表中,你就可以申请并购买iUSEpass享受一整年的zone1+2半价车票,可以节省760澳元的出行费用!


Australian Catholic University

Box Hill Institute

Central Queensland University

Danford College

Deakin University

Education Access Australia

Holmesglen Institute

Job Training Institute

Kaplan Business School

La Trobe University

Melbourne City Institute of Education

Melbourne University

Monash University

Photography Studies College

RMIT University

SAE Creative Media Institute

South Pacific Institute

Swinburne University

Universal Institute of Technology

University of Divinity

Victoria University


Please Note: The discounted myki passes will be valid for Zones 1 + 2, for the relevant regional zone depending on where student’s education institution is located. For more information please click ‘Read More/阅读原文’

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