推广 世界最大佛学院(喇荣五明佛学院)副院长慈诚罗珠堪布奥克兰公众演讲,网上报名,免费入场.4月5-7日

2016年03月05日 走进新西兰

2016 慈誠羅珠堪布新西蘭破冰之旅



A limited number of <The truth of lives> would be handed out on 5th, 6th and 7th of April in between 17:00 and 18:45, at the entrance of the theatre rooms at Alexandra Park.


慈诚罗珠堪布是世界最大的佛學院——喇榮五明佛學院副院長;是色達喇榮佛學院創始人法王如意寶晉美彭措的心子之一。Khenpo Tsultrim Lodro is the Vice-President of Sertha Larung Five Sciences Buddhist Academy, the largest Buddhist Academy in the world; is one of the heart sons of the founder of Sertha Larung Five Sciences Buddhist Academy, Choeje (King of Dharma) Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche.

“我現在想要表達的是:當我知道這個地球上還有堪布慈誠羅珠仁波切的存在時,我感到有極大的希望。他的行動超過了他所說的話,他所做的事情就可充分表達。而且,諸位要知道,這句話是從我的嘴裡說出來的,意義很大。因為我沒有淨觀,我非常具有批判性,而且更重要的是我非常自傲。...... 我認為:他不只是一位上師,還是一位典範。” ——宗薩欽哲仁波切

“I like to express it gives me so much hope for knowing that Khenpo Rinpoche exists on this earth, whose action has spoken louder than his words. And please, you should really make a big note about this. Coming from me, it means a lot, because I have no perception, I am very critical, and moreover, I am very arrogant. ... I feel he is not just a teacher but he is actually a model.” —— Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche

“我對慈誠羅珠堪布甚為傾慕,對他的志業也衷心支持” ——索甲仁波切

“I highly respect and admire Khenpo Tsultrim Lodro, also heartfeltly support his efforts in wide spreading Dharma to all over the world.” ——Sogyal Rinpoche

Catherine Hardie(何甘霖)

牛津大學社會和文化人類學博士生,一位佛教修行者,澳大利亞的Catherine Hardie(何甘霖)女士將為慈誠羅珠堪布首次紐西蘭弘法之行提供現場中英翻譯。 Originally from Australia, Catherine Hardie, a doctoral student at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Oxford, a practicing Buddhist,would perform as the on-site Chinese-to-English interpreter for the first Dharma teaching trip of Khenpo Tsultrim Lodro to New Zealand.

聲明:此網頁是為需要線上註冊免費票的三場公眾演講而設計,同時涵蓋了堪布紐西蘭弘法之行的全部場次,其中包括了一个售票場次 ($25) 和六个免票場次。敬請全面流覽,選擇合適您的公眾演講。排列順序沒有主次之分。Declaration: The website is mainly designed for three public speeches which need online registrations for free tickets, meanwhile, it contains all of the details of Khenpo's New Zealand Dharma teaching trip: One public speech required tickets ($25) and six public speeches free to entry. Please read through the whole webpage and choose the ones suitable for you. The order of the public speeches is not relevant to any method of prioritising.


演講日期與主題 Date & Topic:

憑免費票入場 Admission by free tickets


1. The free online registration system will be turned off once it reaches the maximum limit. If your passion of attending the public speeches is still strong, contact Dharma Brother Hu in between 1000 and 2030 at 0223552833, please.

2. A confirmation email would be sent back by our volunteers within 24 hours after your submission of the registration, to confirm if you booked your seat successfully OR NOT.

場地 Venue:馬車會功能中心 Alexandra Park Function Centre

Cnr. Manukau & Greenlane West Road, Epsom, Auckland (09)630-5660

演講場次 Public Speeches 

付費入場券($25) Admission by tickets ($25)

場地 Venue:寧瑪紮西佛教中心 Nyima Tashi Kagyu Buddhist Centre

30b Pollen Street, Ponsonby, Auckland (09)376-6113

8th April (Fri)19:00-20:30 Confusion and realisation in Meditation

免票入場 Free admission:

場地 Venue:普賢淨苑Pu-Shien Temple

35 Wilkinson Road, Ellerslie, Auckland (09)525-2828

4月3日【週日】10:00-12:00 &14:00-16:00走進解脫道的具體方法 (上)和(下)
3rd April (Sun) 10:00-12:00 &14:00-16:00 Methods for entering into the Path of Liberation part Ⅰand part Ⅱ

4月4日【週一】10:00-12:00 &14:00-16:00走進大乘菩提道的具體方法 (上)和(下)
4th April (Mon) 10:00-12:00 &14:00-16:00 Methods for entering into the path of Enlightenment part Ⅰand part Ⅱ

場地 Venue:奧克蘭大學圖書館 The university of Auckland General Library

LIB B28/109-B28 (Alfred Street & Princess Street,Auckland 1010)

9th April (Sat) 14:00-16:00 The Buddha’s view of the ultimate theory of relativity

場地 Venue:紐西蘭觀音山道場 Quan An Buddhist Monastery

67  Beaver Road , Bombay, Auckland (09)236-6810

10th April (Sun) 11:00-12:30 Chenresig Practice


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