
2016年03月08日 美国驻华大使馆

(AP Photo)

#美国电视节目# - 《安迪∙格里菲斯秀》( The Andy Griffith Show)是美国的一档情景喜剧,于1960年10月3日至1968年4月1日首次在CBS电视台放映。

这档节目是安迪∙格里菲斯主演的《丹尼∙托马斯秀》( The Danny Thomas Show)中某个情节的半衍生剧,讲述的是北卡罗来纳州虚构的小社区梅伯里的一名丧妻的警长的故事。他的生活被一位不称职,但是善良的副警长巴尼∙法夫(唐∙诺茨饰)、一位老处女管家碧姑妈(弗朗西斯∙贝维尔饰)和一个早熟的青年儿子欧佩(罗恩∙霍华德饰)打乱。当地懒汉、装模作样的朋友和喜怒无常的女朋友使他的生活更加复杂。

在谈到这部秀的放映时段时,格里菲斯在《今日秀》( Today Show)的访谈中说道:“尽管我们从没这么说,尽管它拍摄于1960年代,它却仿佛带我们回到1930年代。我们拍摄时,感到它代表了一个逝去的时代。”


#American TV Programs# - The Andy Griffith Show.  

The Andy Griffith Show is an American sitcom first televised on CBS between October 3, 1960 and April 1, 1968. The show, a semi-spin-off from an episode of The Danny Thomas Show, stars Andy Griffith, who portrays the widowed sheriff of the fictional small community of Mayberry, North Carolina. His life is complicated by an inept, but well-meaning deputy, Barney Fife (Don Knotts), a spinster aunt and housekeeper, Aunt Bee (Frances Bavier), and a precocious young son, Opie (Ron Howard). Local ne'er-do-wells, bumbling pals, and temperamental girlfriends further complicate his life. Regarding the time-period of the show, Griffith said in a Today Show interview: "Well, though we never said it, and though it was shot in the 1960s, it had a feeling of the 1930s. It was, when we were doing it, of a time gone by."  What TV programs remind you of “a time gone by”?


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