
2016年03月04日 最英国



1. As blind as a bat


例句:Sarah is as blind as a bat without glasses. (Sarah不戴眼镜的话几乎啥都看不见。)

2. As cunning/sly as a fox


例句:Mary has to be as cunning as a fox to outwit the rival in the competition. (Mary 需要非常地狡猾才能在赛场上击败对手。

3. As dead as a dodo


例句:His brand is as dead as dodo, it is not popular anymore. He has to change his designs. (他的品牌已经不再受欢迎了,他需要改进。)

4. As poor as a church mouse

“Church mouse” 就是教堂里的老鼠,老鼠一无所有,特别是教堂里的老鼠更穷。所以称呼那些穷得一无所有的人为教堂里的老鼠。

例句:He is as poor as a church mouse so that he could not afford the food.


5. As proud as peacock


例句:Jim has been strutting around as proud as a peacock since he bought that flashy new sports car. (Jim非常骄傲地到处炫耀他新买的车。)

5. As silly as a goose


例句:You are as silly as a goose, do you think all the things you read on advertisement are real? (你真是太笨了,广告说的东西能全信吗?)


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