
2016年06月16日 美国留学那些事儿



1. What's so odd about odd numbers? Inspired by Mario Rosasco, Class of 2009.

Odd在字典中的意思是strange or unusual, different from what is normal or expected, odd numbers则指的是an integer that cannot yield an integer when divided by two。这两个解释一眼看上去似乎也没有直接联系,但是如果我们再进一步回到奇数的起源就能够清楚地看到odd和odd numbers之间的联系。


在那个崇尚对等的年代,这些让人无法忍受的无法被均分的数字就被用odd(奇怪)这个词来形容,因此,这些无法被2整除的数字也就成为了odd numbers。这样分析下来,大家是否能够理解这道题目的出题思路了?看来,odd numbers在当初确实是有其被成为odd的理由的。

到这一步,我们似乎已经从数学这个角度去理解odd numbers的odd之处了,但是在数学角度之外是否还存在着其他的思路呢?答案是肯定的。


比如说,我们日常投票决议一个事情都需要凑足奇数个人,以保证不打成平手。然后,odd numbers无论怎么分,总是会多出一个1,通过减去这个1或者再加上一个1,odd numbers就变成偶数了。那么我们是不是可以在减去1和加个1上面做做文章?这两种选择是否像极了人在不同人生阶段和经历面前做加法和做减法的举动?经历过挫折和挑战的同学们不妨从这个角度出发去聊聊自己对人生的感悟。
2. In French, there is no difference between "conscience" and"consciousness". In Japanese, there is a word that specificallyrefers to the splittable wooden chopsticks you get at restaurants. The Germanword “fremdschmen” encapsulates the feeling you get when you’re embarrassed onbehalf of someone else. All of these require explanation in order to properlycommunicate their meaning, and are, to varying degrees, untranslatable. Choosea word, tell us what it means, and then explain why it cannot (or should not)be translated from its original language. 
Inspired by Emily Driscoll, anincoming student in the Class of 2018。


3. Little pigs, french hens, a family of bears. Blind mice, musketeers, theFates. Parts of an atom, laws of thought, a guideline for composition. Omnetriumperfectum? Create your own group of threes, and describe why and howthey fit together. Inspired by Zilin Cui, an incoming student in the Classof 2018


4. Were pH an expression of personality, what would be your pH and why?(Feel free to respond acidly! Do not be neutral, for that is base!) Inspiredby Joshua Harris, Class of 2016
如果ph值可以表示性格,那你的ph值会是多少,为什么?(完全可以尖锐地回答这个问题,回答不要是中性,因为太low了)(Joshua Harris,Class of 2016)

pH酸碱度来形容自己的个性。另一个思路,acid在化学中的含义是proton donor – 质子捐献者,base则是proton acceptor-质子接受者,再仔细一想,我们是否能够把他们归纳为giver和taker呢?到这里,大家是不是又有一些新思路了?
5. A Neoninstallation by the artist Jeppe Hein in UChicago’sCharles M. Harper Center asks this question for us: “Why are you here and notsomewhere else?” (There are many potential values of "here", but wealready know you're "here" to apply to the University of Chicago;pick any "here" besides that one). Inspired by Erin Hart, Class of2016.

艺术家Jeppe Hein在芝加哥大学的Charles M.Harper中心设计安装了一座霓虹艺术字,上面写着:你为什么在这里而不是在别的地方?虽然“这里”有很多意味,但我们已经知道你在申请我们大学了,所以不要再把芝加哥大学作为你的“这里”。
6.In the spirit of adventurous inquiry, pose a question of your own. Ifyour prompt is original and thoughtful, then you should have little troublewriting a great essay. Draw on your best qualities as a writer, thinker,visionary, social critic, sage, citizen of the world, or future citizen of theUniversity of Chicago; take a little risk, and have fun.

7. Orange is the new black, fifty’s the new thirty, comedy is the new rock ‘n’ roll, ____ is the new ____. What’s in, what’s out, and why is it being replaced?
—Inspired by Payton Weidenbacher, Class of 2015 (NOTE:Choose one of the seven extended essay options and upload a one- or two- page response.)


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