
2016年06月16日 澳洲红领巾



From 美国考试日报




1. 在上课的第一天走错教室

Walking into the wrong classroom on the first day.

That's very classic

2. 总有人在不经意间问起你的final

When anyone asks how the end of the semester is going.

3. 每一个吃土少女/少年都有一颗直面账单的心

Trying to stay on top of your finances.

How beautiful I cried.

4. 在有网线和WiFi的地方写paper是对自己的虐待

The infinite dangers of writing papers on a machine with access to the internet.


5. Deadline本是第一生产力, 但是我有迷之自信

Sitting down to write a paper that counts for 30% of your grade the night before it’s due.

6. 我曾面瘫如曾良,只因选了8点课

Trying to keep it together during an 8 a.m. class.

7. 来看看如何在学术生活和社交活动中找到完美平衡

Finding that perfect balance between academics and socializing.

8. 说好陪我到白头,你却偷偷焗了油

When all your friends have finished their finals and you’ve still got one left.

9. 在真实的世界和父母的眼光里尝试双轨制生活

Having to live a double life for the sake of your parents.

10. 在presentation前一天想起了还有个project...

Forgetting to do a project until the morning it’s due.


11. 听说母校是你强大的后盾,并信以为真

Feeling like your university is really there to support you on your journey to success.

Guess you could start succeeding tomorrow


When you learn an entire new skill rather than studying for a test

13. 只要不怕卷,门门是任选

The lengths some people go to just to get through those electives.

14. 门外party的人,和门里没有钱的你

When someone asks you if you want to go out on a Friday night.

15. 当你的父母问你在大学学得怎么样...

When your parents ask how classes are going.

16. 你在美帝的图书馆里迎风流涕,袅袅婷婷傲娇一身之病

When disaster strikes and you actually have to go to the library to do research.

17. 有些事情看着很简单,但你永远学不会

Not understanding why it seems so easy for everyone else.

18. 每当你试图在课程间歇吃一顿营养午餐时

Trying to fit a healthy lunch in between back-to-back classes.

19. 明天再加杯胡萝卜汁

考完试天不会塌,但你会 That deep sense of dread everyone feels right after a test.

20. 授人以鱼,考人以鱽鱾鲀鱿鲃鲂鲉

When the professor asks you something that wasn’t covered in the reading.

21. 在交paper的前一天,你总能发现重要的事

When you’ve got a paper that’s due tomorrow but have important stuff that just can’t wait.

22. 宁可相信天上有鬼,不要相信老师第一节课上的那张嘴

Thinking you’ll be fine skipping the introductory course.

23. 每当你试图在家的港湾小憩

Every time you go home for break.

24. 成绩单上大写的B,倒映出密密麻麻的傻逼

Somehow getting a solid B- on a test you didn’t study for.

25. 会的不考,考得不会

And always feeling like you’re the Jerry or Robby in this situation.

开考两分钟, “我答完了。”心疼。






【福利】微课 | 20几岁的留学小鲜肉,如何融入澳洲主流社会?

文 | 美国考试日报


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