
2016年06月15日 美国驻华大使馆

如果说艾奥瓦州是美国的心脏地带,那么艾奥瓦州博览会(Iowa State Fair)就是它的脉搏。每年8月,为期11天,100多万人空降得梅因市(Des Moines),参加这项一年一度的艾奥瓦州农事、竞技和娱乐庆典。


来到“约翰•迪尔农业大厦”(John Deere  Agriculture Building),人们可以看到最新的农产品,例如超大号蔬菜、蜂房展品,以及新的育苗技术。农业大厦里还有一座黄油做的奶牛雕塑,是展会的传统,以表达对艾奥瓦州乳品业的敬意。




在大看台(Grandstand)上,人们可以享受音乐娱乐,比如旅行(Journey )和流氓弗拉德乐队(Rascal Flatts)的表演。名目繁多的游乐设施和展会游戏令人应接不暇,更不要说各式各样的美食了。先啃上一口煮鲜玉米棒,再来一个炸漏勺煎饼,一饱口福。




Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/inbrief/2013/04/20130402145108.html#ixzz3vs5gi5xI


If  Iowa is America’s Heartland, the Iowa State Fair is its pulse. For 11 days in  August, more than 1 million people descend upon Des Moines for the state’s  annual celebration of agriculture, competition and entertainment.

Visit  the John Deere Agriculture Building to see the latest in agricultural  commodities like extra-large vegetables, beehive exhibits and new nursery  techniques. The agriculture building also houses the cow sculpture made of butter,  a fair tradition and tribute to the state’s dairy industry.

Check  out the fair’s open class livestock competition, with categories ranging from  beef and dairy cattle to pigeons and llamas. Contestants can also try their  hand at food competitions featuring decorated cakes, canned marmalade and  homemade cheese. Other contests include beard growing, duck calling and wood  chopping.

Over  on the Grandstand, musical acts such as Journey and Rascal Flatts provide  musical entertainment. And there are plenty of carnival rides and fair games  to keep you busy between acts — not to mention all the food. Sink your teeth  into some corn on the cob and follow it up with a fried funnel cake.

Find  out more about Iowa at DiscoverAmerica.com.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/inbrief/2012/06/201206278223.html#ixzz3vs4y0qox

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