【乐视美国 新闻天天看】美媒化身科技侦探,断言乐视将放出不止一只“怪兽”手机

2016年06月25日 乐视美国

乐视将发布LeMax 2 Pro超级手机的消息持续受到美媒关注,将创下业界多项第一的旗舰手机被媒体称为“猛兽”,著名测评网站安兔兔近日出现一条神秘的乐视新手机评测,立刻引来媒体猜测,根据评测中的各种线索推断新手机细节。权威手机新闻网站Phone Arena专文解析,虽然新手机还没有被任何官方消息证实,报导按照安兔兔信息的蛛丝马迹,推理出会有另一部加强版LePro2会与”野兽“一起被放出!文中指新手机采用1080*1920的分辨率不是LeMax家族一贯采用的1140*2560 pixels (QHD),同时新手机采用4GB随机储存,评测中的MSM8996pro可能是骄龙823处理器的代号。

安卓产品消息权威网站Android Headlines的报道则注意到新手机后置16megapixel镜头,各种证据都指向同一个结论,乐视或有另一部神秘手机将要一起发布! Android Headlines并称赞这部神秘新手机获得安兔兔154,272高分,让作者难以置信!


Anticipation for the upcoming LeMax 2 Pro Superphone continuesto heat up inthe United States, popular mobile news site Phone Arena reportsthat we may see another LeEco Superphone alongside the 8GB RAM “monster.”  PhoneArena’s speculation comes after a new Antutu benchmark. The article indicates  that the new device has resolution of 1080 *1920 which doesn’t apply the traditional Le Max line. In addition, the new device comes with  4 GB of RAM and a Qualcomm MSM8996pro chipsetwhich could be the codename for rumored Snapdragon 823 processor.

Android product review website Android Headlines made its own speculation about the Antutu benchmark, claiming that the new device chooses 16-megapixel rear-facing camera, and calling the score of 154,272 points from Antutu “staggering.”


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