文勇专栏 ▏托福口语task1,task2想不到好例子怎么办?

2016年06月21日 美国研究生留学


文勇专栏  ▏你口语答疑四

文勇专栏 ▏托福口语一秒蒙逼,毫无思路?方法来啦!

文勇专栏 ▏你真要为练口语找个外国男(女)朋友?

文勇专栏 ▏托福口语怎样边组织语言边流畅地说出来?

文勇专栏 ▏托福听力Lecture的难度在于它的学术性吗?

文勇专栏 ▏托福听力听到的全没考,考的全没听到?

文勇专栏 ▏托福听力听了后面忘前面,听不出逻辑怎么办!

文勇专栏 ▏托福听力到底要不要记笔记?

文勇专栏 ▏托福听力问答


dear HORIZON,你好。

你的问题应该分为两段,我想先和你来讨论“如何在task 1、2中想到好的例子”。

回答这个问题,更重要的是想清楚“到底什么是好的例子”。亲身经历好不好?除去部分专门要求写亲身经历的话题之外(如:“Talk about one way your personality has changed since you were a child. Use examples and details to explain your answer.(TPO22)”),大部分情况下还是名人案例优先。这事实上纯粹是为了增加评分人的好感度而出现的偏好。这种例子源自于自己平时的积累,我在前面也已经说过了,这里就不再多说。









Talk about a skill or ability that youconsider especially important for a student to have. Use details and examplesto explain your answer.

——TPO 19


I used to have trouble with doing homeworkwhen I was a young child because I did not make enough time for it. I wanted toplay with my friends, and I delayed homework until the last minute. Therefore,I believe that time organization makes up on important skill for a studentbecause this ability helps reduce procrastination. Procrastination is the enemyof the student, lowering both the quality of the work and the volume of the work. If a student can find a way to plan his/her activities throughout the dayand adhere strictly to this to-do-list, he/she will defeat procrastination andfind a way to improve effectiveness and live a fulfilling life.



Some people enjoy taking risks and tryingnew things. Others are not adventurous: they are cautious and prefer to avoiddanger. Which behavior do you think is better? Explain why.

——TPO 8


While it is difficult to say what iscorrect in every situation, I believe that being cautious is a better behaviorthan being daring and adventurous. The win-big or lose-big mentality of riskypeople is dangerous; if they win big a few times, they start to think that theycan win more. This can continue until they lose big. Cautious people are more stablein most areas of life. And cautious people are the ones who start the moststable families, and they are more reliable, etc.



Some people believe that television has hada positive influence on society. Others believe it has had a negative influenceon society. Which do you agree with and why? Use details and examples toexplain your opinion.

——TPO 1


I believe that television has had a mainlypositive effect on society. Television is one of the best ways to conveyinformation to many people. For example, news programs are easy to watch andallow people to effortlessly stay up-to-date with current events. Televisionnews programs cover everything from local events to worldwide news, and arevery convenient for people to watch before or after work. In addition, I thinkthat television is good for family life. Families can often sit together andwatch television, and in a time when teenagers rebel against their parents andseek independence, TV offers a nice way for family members to stay close to oneother.



Some college students choose to takecourses in a variety of subject areas in order to get a broad education. Otherschoose to focus on a single subject area in order to have a deeperunderstanding of that area. Which approach to course selection do you think isbetter for students and why?

——TPO 2


To me, college should both broaden anddeepen one’s knowledge. I think that at the beginning of college, perhaps forthe first and second year students, it is good to receive a broad education.Taking a wide range of courses allows these students to become knowledgeableabout many subjects and makes them better-rounded. Once students decide on amajor, focusing on that single subject is the best, as this will allow them totruly excel in the field they choose to enter.



Talk about an important experience that yourecently had. Describe what happened and explain why it was important toyou.

——TPO 9


I recently spent a year studying abroad inChina, and I found the experience to be engaging and worthwhile. Living alonein a foreign country allowed me to be truly independent for a year, and I feellike I have matured greatly from the experience. I now know how to bettermanage my money, how to plan my days out, and more. In addition, my Chinesespeaking ability has improved dramatically. Using Chinese to speak to peoplearound me every day helped my Chinese improve a lot, so the effects of my Chinatrip are still with me every day.



Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? It is important to learn about other cultures. Use details andexamples to explain your opinion.

——TPO 18


I strongly agree that we should learn aboutother cultures. In today’s world, movement of peoples is extremely fluid.People work and live in different places than the one where they grew up, andmillions of people visit new countries every day. In today’s globalized world,it is critical to maintain an open mind and learn about other cultures forbusiness and political success. In the example of the United States, theworld’s most technologically advanced nation, it is strong because of itsdedication to bringing the best from every other culture. Learning about andfrom a different culture than your own can be very productive and beneficial.



Some people think that children should beallowed to watch whatever television programs they choose to. Others think thatparents should exercise control over the television programs their childrenwatch. Which do you agree with? Explain why.

——TPO 11


I agree with the idea that parents shouldhave some control over the television programs watched by children. Thestrongest argument would be that children have immature minds and are eager tocopy what they have seen sometimes. Thus, extreme violence or lewd pornographictelevision shows should not be available to children viewer. It is true that ifchildren truly wanted to watch such shows, they would find a way to watch themanyhow. However, parents should at least exert some basic level of control so thatsuch shows are not accessible easily.



Some people have one career throughouttheir lives. Other people do different kinds of work at different points intheir lives. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

——TPO 6


I believe that having one career for mostof one’s life is better than having different kinds of work at different pointsin life. Changing careers bring a lot of uncertainty along with it. Between thetime gaps of the two different jobs, will you have income? Will you be able tosupport your family? I believe that keeping one type of career is more stableand will always provide money to buy food and necessities for your family.Keeping on type of job is safer, and this is better for supporting a family.



Some students prefer to work on classassignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group.Which do you prefer? Explain why.

——TPO 3


When working on classwork or homeworkassignments, I prefer to work in a group. While I am working, many of mythoughts begin as rough ideas that need more development. When I work in agroup, I am able to tell my friends my ideas and receive their input. Throughthis method, I am able to easily refine my ideas and integrate my friends’ideas into my personal thoughts. The group work is like the military withmutual support. In addition, working with friends makes assignments lesstedious. While homework can sometimes feel like a chore, talking to friendswhile doing it makes the task more enjoyable.



Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Why or why not? Use details and examples to explain your answer. Itis more important to study math or science than it is to study art orliterature.

——TPO 5


I disagree with the statement that studyingmath or science is more important than studying art and literature. Althoughstudying math and science will perhaps lead to a better job later in life, Ibelieve it is important to receive a well-round education in a variety ofsubjects. With only a limited knowledge of art and literature, how can someonebe expected to hold an intelligent conversation if something about literatureis brought up and he or she has no input? Picasso said that art is a lie thattells the truth.Balance is the key.



Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you.



One particular book that I always rememberis Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, a geography professor at UCLA. Thebook is a nonfictional account of human development throughout history. Itfocuses on agriculture, culture, and science as the engines of civilization. Itis a long book about a difficult subject, but the author writes it in a waythat is interesting and fun to read. I learned about many interestingconnections between geography and the rise and fall of different peoplesthroughout human history. It offers me a fresh and grand perspective ofhumanity.


不知道独立口语怎么说 老是结巴






Students study in a variety of ways. Explain how your study habits are different from those of other students you know.



Task 2

Some people like to shop in large grocery stores and department stores. Other people prefer to shop in small specialty stores. Which do you prefer? Explain why.



Task 3

An Art Museum at the University

Many universities have their own art museums, with collections of paintings and sculptures by well-known artists. I think our university should create a similar museum on our own campus. Such a museum would give our students an opportunity to learn to appreciate high-quality fine art. It would be a great way for us to see artworks that we might not have access to other wise. In order to pay for the museum, the university could write letters to alumni asking them to donate money to help build the museum. I’m sure many former students love art and would be glad to donate money to help the university build a museum here.


Diane Miller

Listen to two students discussing the letter.

A: Did you see this letter?

B: Yeah. It’s a nice idea, but it’ll never happen.

A: Why do you say that?

B: Well, first of all, you can get on a bus right here on campus and in half an hour, you are downtown at the county art museum.

A: That’s true.

B: And if you show your student ID card, it only costs like two bucks to get in.

A: Yeah. In fact, on Mondays, students get in for free.

B: Right. And you can see some of the greatest art in the world there. For example, you know Rembrandt, the famous Dutch painter?

A: Yeah.

B: Well, right now they’re showing something like twenty of his paintings.

A: Wow!

B: Yeah. And you know, it’s true. We do have a lot of very generous alumni. But we’re already asking them for help building a new student center and a new library. And those are both very expensive projects.

A: Yeah. That’s right.

B: So I don’t think we can expect them to donate much money for anything else anytime soon, especially for something we don’t really need.

Question: The man expresses his opinion about the letter-writer’s proposal. Briefly summarize the proposal. Then state the man’s opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.



Task 4

Optimal Foraging

Food provides animals with the energy they need to survive. However, animals also lose energy in the process of obtaining, or foraging, for food. Therefore, in order to conserve energy, many animals behave in ways that minimize the energy they expend in the foraging process while at the same time maximizing their nutritional benefits. This energy-efficient approach to obtaining food is known as optimal foraging. The practice of optimal foraging allows animals to expend the least possible amount of energy while at the same time obtaining prey with high food value that will provide them with necessary nutrients.

Now listen to part of lecture from a biology class.

All right. So I’ve got a good example of this.

That’s a bird, a species of crow, that lives near the water and it feeds on a type of shellfish that has a hard outer shell. In order to eat the shellfish, the bird has to crack open its hard shell. So when this bird feeds, what it does is: it dives down out of the air into shallow water, grabs a shellfish, lets it fall onto the rocks below. When the shellfish hits the rocks, its shell cracks and splits open and the bird can eat it.

Now, this bird, this crow, doesn’t just swoop down, grab the first shellfish it sees and then fly up to any height and let it fall. Instead, it does two things.

First, it carefully selects only the biggest shellfish. That means it’s going to get the biggest possible meal for its efforts. Okay?

Second, it carries the shellfish up to a specific height, about five meters, and drops it from there. If the dropped the shellfish from a lower height, it would have to pick it up and drop it too many times in order to break the shell. On the other hand, if the bird carried the shellfish up to a higher altitude, an altitude higher than it’s necessary to crack the shell, it would be wasting energy. So this bird expends just the right amount of energy-no more no less-that it needs to obtain just the kind of food.

Question: Using the example from the lecture, explain the concept of optimal foraging.



Task 5

Listen to a conversation between two students.

A: Hey Cindy. You look happy. Making plans for the summer vacation?

B: I’m just glad the semester is finally over. I just finished my final exam, so I’m taking off for summer vacation tomorrow. Are’nt you?

A: I wish.

B: What do you mean?

A: I have to rewrite the lab report for my biology class. I guess I did it all wrong. So the professor’s making me rewrite it before he’ll submit a final grade.

B: I guess that’s better than if he just gave you a bad grade, right?

A: I guess so. But I was planning on leaving town tomorrow too, and now I’m not sure I can. I spoke with the professor and he gave me two options. I can either turn in the revised report in one week and get my grade, or he said I can wait, you know, taking incomplete in the class and submit the paper next semester in the fall.

B: So are you going to stay around to revise the report?

A: I could. I’d get the grade for the class on time and I wouldn’t have to think about it anymore. But there’s a family reunion this weekend. I was really liking forward to it. If I stay around to revise the report, I’ll miss the reunion.

B: Well, maybe you should take your time and work on the report over the summer. You can submit it when you return in the fall semester and get your grade then.

A: That would be fine, but what if I need materials from the library to revise the report? I don’t know if I’ll be able to find the materials at the library at home.

B: Hmm...

Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.



Task 6

Listen to part of a lecture in a business class.

Okay. So we have been discussing how companies use advertising to help sell their products. Now although advertisements can benefit companies, there are people who are critical of advertising because of certain environmental problems it can cause. So let’s talk about two ways advertising can be seen to negatively affect the environment.

One way is by wasting natural resources, like trees, by advertising to consumers who do not have a need for the product or service. The advertisement is irrelevant or useless for them. For instance, a piece of mail I got advertising a kitchen renovation service. A whole big booklet, lots of paper, about different ways to remodel your kitchen: changing the floors, adding new cupboards or appliances, but this was all a lot of wasted paper, wasted trees because I don’t even own my place. I rent an apartment. So a kitchen renovation service is irrelevant to me. I can’t use it. And I’m sure that booklet was mailed to lots of other people who also rent and who just threw the booklet into trash because they have no need for a kitchen renovation.

Now additionally, advertising can have a negative effect on the natural beauty of the environment. People are often less able to enjoy the beauty of the natural surroundings if there are large advertisements blocking their view of the landscape or distracting them from the natural beauty around them. Let’s face it. No matter how beautiful an area of nature is to begin with, its beauty is damaged by visible advertisements. So...like, for example, this happens with big advertisements on the side of roads, huge billboards. Say there’s a road passing through a beautiful area in the mountains, but there are all these big billboards advertising restaurants and products along the side of the road. The land is naturally very beautiful, but you can’t fully appreciate it. The big billboard advertisements get in the way.

Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain two ways that advertising can negatively affect the environment.


















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