
2016年06月27日 加拿大国际教育集团

Go to the distance & close to the jungle

- The 3rd anniversary art exhibition


In June, CLS-C hosted the 3rd anniversary art exhibition "so far, so near, approaching the jungle” in the school campus.


All the art works were created by CLS-C students. They used spray painting, line drawing, clipart, composite materials, and cloth propylene to create the forest in their mind.

国画(Traditional Chinese Painting)


Fee brush movement and dripping colors.

色彩镂空画(Hollowed-out Art)


The creative hollowed-out arts are eye-catching items in the exhibition. Children’s innovative design make the arts looks gorgeous with the various background colors or patterns. 

油画(Oil Painting)


Children paid lots of attention to paint these cute little animals. They draw them by heart which make the critters looks different from what they were.

纸板造型手工( Handcraft)


A simple carton could be tuned into a cute art work by cutting, assembling, drawing and sticking. Our students are really ingenious.



Childhood is the happiest and most memorable period in one’s life time. Teachers give children not only the methods of drawing but also the ability of beauty seeking and discovering.


A psychologist said that people who can find the beauty can easily feel happy from the bottom of his heart. We hope that our children will easily find their happiness in their future life with the love to art.

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