
2016年06月14日 美国驻华大使馆



你会发现纽约州是全美最漂亮的州之一,有着超高的生活质量,丰富的文化与休闲活动,以及全世界最美、最多种多样的景观。那里拥有超过268所授予学位的高等学府,从世界闻名的研究型大学到小型专业学院,它们位于小城镇、城市或郊外社区,如纽约市,布法罗(Buffalo),罗契斯特市(Rochester),锡拉丘兹(Syracuse)和奥尔巴尼(Albany)。有的学校采用大课堂,甚至会有获诺贝尔奖的教授讲课,还有的学校以个性化的小班授课为特色。不管你是在寻求创新职业技能,前沿研究机会,对世界更深入的理解,还是特定的学术追求,纽约州都可以提供给你超凡的教育机会。这个网站Study New York可以帮你作出可能的最佳选择:http://studynewyork.us/ 

有关在美国学习的任何疑问,请访问www.educationusachina.com 与EducationUSA联系或下载其免费手机app。


New York State has always been a destination of choice for the best and brightest international students and researchers from around the world. In fact, the state ranks at the top in the number of international students who choose to study in the United States. Each year more than 75,000 students from countries around the world choose New York State to pursue their education. Those who come from abroad to study, in addition to their academic contributions, help deepen awareness of other cultures on campuses, and beyond.

You’ll discover that New York is one of the most beautiful states in the U.S., offering a superior quality of life, a wealth of cultural and recreational opportunities and some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes in the world.  You’ll also find more than 268 degree-granting universities and colleges, from world-renowned research universities to small single-focus institutions located in small towns and cities, in rural communities as well as in urban areas such as New York City, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Albany. Some offer large classes, Nobel-prize winning professors, while others feature smaller classes for a more personalized experience.

Whether you’re seeking innovative career skills, cutting-edge research opportunities, a deeper understanding of the world, or customized academic pursuits, New York State offers you extraordinary educational opportunities. This Study New York Web site can help you and your advisors make the best possible choices:http://studynewyork.us/ 

For any questions about studying in the United States, please contact EducationUSA at www.educationusachina.com or download their free mobile APP.


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