
2016年06月16日 美国驻华大使馆




如有任何有关赴美国留学的问题,请联系EducationUSA at www.educationusachina.com或下载其免费应用。


#StateEducationInAmerica# - Which  state hosts the least Chinese students? South Dakota is one.  South  Dakota, located in plains state of the U.S., ranks 16th in size among the 50  states. It was the 40th state to join the Union in 1889. Agriculture is the largest  industry in the state. Tourism is also a significant contributor. Dakota is a  land rich with outdoor splendor. The South Dakota State Park system has 54  state parks and recreation areas. According to the 2014-2015 Open Doors  Report, South Dakota is the 47th State in number of international students.  For the information of all accredited higher educational institutions in  South Dakota, please click: http://sd.gov/education.aspx 


For any questions about studying in the United States,  please contact EducationUSA at www.educationusachina.com  or download their free mobile APP.


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