
2016年06月27日 无忧小雅哥




无忧小雅哥and悉尼雅思姐想说,正道是在动笔之前心里一定要给出一个大概的框架,也就是定下一个outline 安排一个大概的结构和思路,否则,很有可能写到一半就断线~也有可能写到最后发现跑题,真的是无力回天,力不从心!




Problem 1 not enough ideas 观点不够


They see a question. Try to think of ideas. Come up empty and panic. 哈哈,是不是有那么点感同身受?看到一个大作文题目之后脑袋瞬间空白什么也想不出?

Actually you just need very few ideas to write a good essay and those ideas can be simple ideas too. 


Problem 2 too many ideas 观点太多



Problem 3 the ideas are confused 观点混淆

The problem is that the reader/examiner does not know what the main ideas are.

这一类烤鸭容易写着写着就跑偏,从一个观点跑偏到另一个观点,非常容易混淆 ,让考官不知道哪一个才是这篇文章,这个段落的主题。



Step 1understand the difference between ideas, reasons and examples 区分观点、原因、例子的区别

想观点的时候多问问自己几个why,想reasons and examples。

Generally speaking, two ideas would be enough for one IELTS essay. 一般来说,一篇雅思大作文只需要两个观点。每一观点中可以罗列出支持的理由和例子。这样一来,就不用担心没有足够的论据来写满一个段落了。记住,一定要解释清楚每一个你所写的idea。

Step 2 – learning where to find ideas for essays? 试着从问题里找观点


e.g.: Human activities have endangered many animal and plant species. Some people think it is too late to save them, while others think humans should still take some action. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.

虽然这个题目讨论的问题挺深奥的,但是烤鸭们联想观点很容易,因为题面中some peopleothers的观点就已经给了很好的两个观点:

  • It is too late to save endangered species——WHY?

  • It is not too late to save species——WHY?

Step 3 – finding reasons and examples – ask yourself questions 通过问问题来确定原因和例子

One trick is simply ask yourself the questions “why?” or “how?” or “when?” or what?” That is often enough. 找原因和例子要多问问自己3个W和1个H。


Step 4 – thinking vocabulary gives you more “ideas” 通过词汇来激发灵感

The concept is that once you have words, then “ideas” come naturally from those words. Try thinking of “planning words” and see if it works for you. 通过想词来想观点,这也是个不错的方法哦!有时候一下子卡壳了想不出观点,通过一些topic-related vocabulary来 “提醒”自己,也是非常可行的哦!果然词汇是基础之中的基础~


无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts

悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts

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