
2016年06月15日 美国驻华大使馆

感谢大家参加我们的#玩美计划#竞赛活动。经过多轮评选,恭喜 @苏一潞 @or小饼 @口袋_路人丁 @琳家花花 @tiantianzhuhai163成为我们的最终获奖者!他们将获得往返美国免费机票、美国国家公园通用年卡、黄石公园及大峡谷公园三日游等奖品。


2016年是美中旅游年,欢迎访问 http://www.gousa.cn/ 探索和发现更多的美国旅游目的地。 

Thanks to all who participated in our “Dream Itinerary” Contest.  After several rounds of evaluation, we want to congratulate our winners @苏一潞 @or小饼 @口袋_路人丁 @琳家花花 @tiantianzhuhai163! They will receive the announced prizes, which include free round-trip tickets between U.S. and China, National Park Annual Passes, free tour of the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone and other travel gifts.

If your submission was not selected this time, don’t worry, we hope to hold a similar contest in the future! Please keep following us on Weibo!  

During the 2016 U.S.-China Tourism year, we encourage you to visit http://www.gousa.cn/ to discover a wide range of travel destinations in the United States.  

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