学习正面管教 培养优秀学生

2016年11月21日 加拿大国际教育集团


On the evening of November 7th, teachers from different schools in CIEO came to CLS-A to attend a long-awaited lecture about positive discipline.


Teachers at CLS-A had read a famous book Positive Discipline in the Classroom, which was written by Dr. Jane Nelsen, Dr. Lynn Lott, and H. Stephen Glenn. Teachers shared what they learned and what they thought according to their teaching experiences. All the teachers were looking forward to the lecture in their own campus. We are very excited to welcome Miss Xu Yanling from America Positive Discipline Association to share her ideas.


At the beginning of this lecture, Miss Xu emphasized that the lecture is just about to share some ideas on the questions like: What is positive discipline? How do you utilize positive discipline? What is the meaning of positive discipline?


Miss Xu explained that positive discipline involves educating and encouraging children positively, which is very different from spoiling children. The educators must be soft and understanding while allowing children to make mistakes, because they can learn from their mistakes. Before correcting the student’s mistakes, educators must try to understand them first. This allows the children to feel safety, identity, and belonging.


Miss Xu played games with the teachers to help them understand the theories and to make the connection before correcting the student’s mistakes.


There’s a good atmosphere during the lecture. Miss Xu was graceful and professional. We learned a lot from her. With this teaching method, we hope our students can continue to be excellent.

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