
2016年11月21日 美国驻华大使馆





马萨诸塞州是原来的13个殖民地之一,并在很长时间以来作为年轻的美国的学术中心而知名。 因为它是所有州中,最受英国文化影响的地区,其大部分建筑和城市设计有着故国的影子。

这里还座落着一些顶尖的美国大学。 仅波士顿一地就拥有50多个教育机构,包括顶级常春藤联盟大学哈佛大学,顶尖的工程和科技大学麻省理工学院,以及美国的顶尖音乐培训中心之一伯克利音乐学院。

除了建筑和大学,马萨诸塞州还拥有许多历史和自然景观。 州首府波士顿是包括波士顿大屠杀和波士顿茶党等历史事件的发生地。 它如诗如画的海岸线和美丽的秋叶吸引着游客们回到了美国殖民时代的古雅。


#Traveling Around the U.S. –  State of the Week: Massachusetts

Massachusetts “The Spirit of America”

Massachusetts was one of the original 13 colonies, and has long been renowned as an intellectual hub for the young United States. Much of its architecture and city design evokes the Old Country, as it is the most influenced by English culture of all states.

It is also home to some of the top American universities. Boston alone, is home to over 50 educational institutions including the top Ivy League, Harvard University, the top engineering and science university, MIT, and one of the top music training centers in the United States, Berklee University.

Aside from its architecture and universities, Massachusetts is also home to lots of historical and natural sites. The state’s capital, Boston, served as the backdrop for historical events including the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party.  Its picturesque coastline and fall foliage entice visitors to travel back in time to the U.S.’s colonial quaintness.

Which university would you like to attend in Massachusetts?

Find out more about Massachusetts at:DiscoverAmerica.com.


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