
2016年12月02日 AF一站式留学专家


Making it Big in the Media: How to Prepare for a Career in Journalism

 AF 专栏 

AF Education

专属博客 Liam Carrigan


As you know dear readers, my contributions here at AF Education aren’t my first forays into the realm of the written word. 


Way back in the year 2000, when I was just 16 years old, I had my first story published in a national newspaper. The Herald, may not be a household name like the New York Times or the Wall Street Journal, but in the little country of Scotland it was, and remains to this day, the nation’s most read quality newspaper. At the time, I was working as the “copy boy” a sort of general office dog’s body of sorts. I remain eternally grateful to the Herald’s Editor at the time Mark Douglas-Home, his then deputy Kevin McKenna, and the Herald’s arts editor Keith Bruce, who gave me my first big opportunity, when I was sent on assignment to review a performance of the Shaolin Monks of China, performing their “Wheel of Life” stage show. 


It is somewhat ironic that I now find myself here, some 16 years later, once again writing about contemporary Chinese issues, albeit from an entirely different context!


I continued writing for The Herald and its sister tabloid the Evening Times as an occasional sports columnist, right up until 2006, when I decided to relocate to Asia. 


Although I attained first a college diploma and then a bachelors degree majoring in Journalism, my pathway into the media business is what many would probably refer to as “old school”. 


In truth, these days very few of my fellow journalists actually attained their degrees exclusively in journalism. 


What is becoming more common instead is for wannabe journalists to instead pursue degrees in the field they wish to write about, and then perhaps doing a postgraduate course in Journalism later on. 


For example, arts correspondents perhaps pursue degrees in theatrical studies, literature or such like. Someone who aspires to be a news reporter may pursue a degree in political sciences, history or some other hard research-based subject. 


Indeed, the great irony is that of my graduating class of 65 budding young journalists at university, I am one of the less than 10% of them who still works in the media industry, albeit on a part-time, freelance basis. 


Personally, I enjoy being freelance. It allows me the freedom to choose what I write about and when I write it. It also frees me of the moral and ethical dilemmas of having to report on topics or engage in situations I find disagreeable or morally questionable. 


Indeed, for all many of us enter the journalistic profession with honourable intentions, in the desperate pursuit of that elusive exclusive, in our anxious eagerness to get the story before everyone else, some of my fellow writers have engaged in actions and behavior that I find unacceptable. 


If you want to be a journalist, then it is up to you to decide where you draw the line. For me, it was when I was asked by a publication I freelanced for to write what could best be described as a “very creative distortion of the facts”, to support the prevailing right-wing narrative of the tabloid in question that I decided it was time to stop working in the mainstream newsroom environment and strike out on my own.


In short, getting into journalism is a bit like choosing to become a doctor or a lawyer. It is not simply a job you do for money. It is a conscious undertaking, a “calling” if you will. 


You need to commit to it fully, and be prepared for the potential negatives it can entail. There will be times when your publisher compels you to write a story from a certain angle, to perhaps play up some controversy or downplay another, subject to the editorial agenda in play. Again, it falls to your own conscience to decide if you are ok with that, and whilst I value the greater editorial freedom that comes from working exclusively as a freelancer, I can fully understand why others may be willing to compromise their ethics a bit more, for the sake of a regular, guaranteed, monthly paycheck. 

如今媒体发生了很大变化,今天You Tube上的某个愤怒的咆哮视频或者是某个名人被泄露的做傻事的视频都可能远比《华盛顿邮报》上关于普利策奖获得者的社评赚眼球。

The media is changing though, and today an angry You Tube rant or a leaked video of a celebrity doing something stupid is likely to gather a far larger audience than a Pulitzer Prize winning editorial in the Washington Post. 


People say the media is dumbing down and that today we live in a post-intellectual society, where angry rhetoric and snappy sound bites can win out over reasoned debate and honestly researched answers. 


I don’t believe that is the case. 


So long as we have a new generation of ambitious young writers and investigators coming through, who aren’t afraid to challenge the established order and inform the public in an honest and open way, regardless of how inconvenient that fundamental truth may be, I remain hopeful for the future of our press and for the future of the craft of journalism. 

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