
2016年11月21日 美国驻华大使馆


#印第安人传统月# 2016年9月26日,巴拉克∙欧巴马总统在授毯仪式上微笑。仪式结束后,总统在白宫部落大会上讲话。白宫部落大会为567支联邦政府承认的部落的领袖提供与高级别联邦政府官员和白宫美国原住民事务委员会成员直接对话的机会。

U.S. President Barack Obama smiles as he is honored in a blanketing ceremony before speaking at the White House Tribal Nations Conference in Washington September 26, 2016.  This event provides tribal leaders from the 567 federally recognized tribes with the opportunity to interact directly with high-level federal government officials and members of the White House Council on Native American Affairs.

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