
2016年11月25日 ANMEI美国房产

Thanksgiving and Black Friday - American Traditions


Hello Friends!


I recently returned from a nice business trip to China where I spent time with old friends and making new ones. One thing I always look forward to, is the outstanding Chinese hospitality. It doesn’t matter the wealth of the person – there is always kindness and giving. It makes those long trips and excessive shots of Moutai all worth it.



This excellent hospitality often reminds me of Thanksgiving in America – a holiday tradition that most of you probably know by now. It seems many American holidays have made their way to China in recent years: Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Christmas and now I’m starting to see Thanksgiving messages from my Chinese comrades. 



here is a very brief history of Thanksgiving in case you didn’t know: 


Thanksgiving Day, is a public holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States. It has been celebrated since 1789 (during the reign of the Qianlong Emperor in China). However, the first Thanksgiving or “Harvest Festival” was held in 1621 after new explorers met with Native Americans and held a 3-day feast in the fall. 



The point about this holiday is: being unselfish, sharing, family and kindness. In more modern times, Thanksgiving has other traditions. 

1. 赦免一只火鸡。自从1947年以来,美国总统每逢感恩节都会赦免一只火鸡 - 这只火鸡会送到一个农场“退休“。我觉得这很滑稽,赦免了一只火鸡,而其它火鸡却是今天的主餐,哈哈。

 1. The Presidential Turkey Pardon. Every year since 1947 the President of America will pardon a turkey – a sign that this turkey will not be killed, and sent to a farm to retire. A funny act of mercy in a day where Turkey is the main dish at dinner. 

2. 梅西感恩节游行。自1924年以来,美国梅西百货每年在纽约市举办一个大型的3小时游行。通常是国家电台直播,每个家庭一般都会观看(就像中国人春节看春晚一样)。说实话,我现在是一边写一边看呢。呵呵。 游行一般有明星,现场乐队表演和大型卡通气球,最后,圣诞老人的出现象征着进入圣诞节季节。今年的游行有一万名演员,吸引了400万人到纽约市和数亿人在电视上观看。

 2. Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Since 1924, the American retailer Macy’s has hosted a large 3-hour parade in New York City. It is nationally televised and something the family usually watches together on the morning of Thanksgiving (very much like the Chinese New Year Show at the New Year Eve). As I write this, the parade is on the television now. The parade has major celebrities, live music performances, huge major cartoon character balloons and always ends with Santa Claus – a symbol of the Christmas season beginning. The parade in modern times has 10,000 performers, draws 4 million people to New York City and hundreds of millions watching on TV.


3. 黑色星期五大减价。商场一年中最忙的一天也无非就是黑色星期五啦。黑色星期五通常在感恩节的晚上,也就是星期四晚上就开始了,并且通常延续到周末。黑五是一年中折扣最多的一天。大多数零售商为了吸引更多的顾客甚至会做赔钱买卖。黑色星期五的主要特点是:深夜和凌晨的购物(其实很多特价商品是在凌晨5点),所以,你会看到很多人在商场外面排队,有时候还有人在商店外露营,更极端的是,你也许偶尔能看到有人打架 – 比如在沃尔玛。总之,黑五蛮有意思的。这之后就是网络星期一(网上购物大折扣)。网络星期一就像是中国的光棍节(11/11)。

 3. Black Friday Sales. The busiest shopping day of the year, Black Friday usually begins the night of Thanksgiving, Thursday, and often extends throughout the weekend. Simply, it is where the best deals of the year can be found in all categories. Most retailers lose money on many products, to get foot traffic in their store for side purchases. Key characteristics of Black Friday are: late night and early morning shopping (5 am deals are common), people lining up and sometimes camping outside their favorite stores, and occasional fights – usually at economy stores like Walmart. Still, it can be a fun and exciting event. This is now followed by Cyber Monday (online sales only). Chinese will recognize this event closest as singles day in China 光棍节 (11/11).



There are other traditions as well like, America Football, live TV performances, classic holiday movies and large family gatherings.


虽然传统食物是火鸡,土豆,蔓越莓酱,火鸡填充料和各种蔬菜配菜, 各家都会根据自己的爱好和口味修改菜谱。比如我来自缅因,我们对海鲜情有独钟。我们的菜谱一半少不了海鲜,我最拿手的是培根卷扇贝。啊,太好吃了!

 While the traditional foods are Turkey, Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing and various vegetable side dishes – families often add or change options. As I am from Maine, including seafood is important for me. My special dish is bacon wrapped scallops. Delicious! 

无论你吃什么,你的信仰是什么,或者你的传统是什么 - 感恩节是可以说是美国文化中很关键一天。我甚至想说这一天是美国文化最重要的一天。

 Whatever you cook, whatever your beliefs and whatever your traditions – Thanksgiving is a critical day in American culture. In fact, I would argue it is the most important day of American culture.  


I hope some of you can enjoy Thanksgiving dinner, Black Friday shopping and other traditions some day in America as well. Perhaps you can sample some of my scallops !



 Ok, time to start cooking and get ready for a late night of shopping!


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