
2016年11月24日 剑桥考试语言辅导



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剑桥雅思 传播考试真理

We teach to achieve!



1. passion is power - 激情引爆力量

2. experience is priceless - 经验无价

3. stay positive - 永不气馁

4. think big - 胸怀远大

5. fail forward - 哀兵必胜

Part One

  1. What kinds of teacher do you like best?

  2. Who was the favorite teacher when you were young?

  3. Do you often invite your friends to visit your home?

  4. When someone visits you, how do you show your hospitality?

  5. Why do some people like water sports?

  6. Do you think it important for children to learn swimming? why?

  7. How do children celebrate their birthday in your country?

  8. How did you celebrate your last birthday?

  9. How often do you take buses?

  10. Is it convenient to take taxis in your city?

Part Two Describe

1. a place in another country where you want to work;

2. a garden you visited;

3. an interesting public place you visited;

4. a piece of equipment at your home;

5. a difficult decision you made and proved right;

6. time where you were busy;

7. a website you like to visit;

8. a person you met and wanted to know more about;

9. a small business you want to do in the future;

10. a creative person you know;

Part Three

1. What kinds of job can be found in a foreign country?

2. Do you think the young should work overseas? why? why not?

3. What are the benefits when a city has public gardens?

4. What do people usually do when they go to a public garden?

5. What measures can be adopted to stop noises in public places?

6. Where do people like to go at weekends?

7. In what ways can small businesses benefit communities?

8. What difficulties do people face when they run a small business?

9. Why do some people like to copy others' idea these days?

10. What creative activities did you like to do when you weren young?

11. What kinds of electric appliances are most used at home apart from telephones and computers?

12. Do you think electronic products have changed so much these years?

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